Dividend Day and Awaking

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Rain pelting down and here I am, swashing
down dual-carriageways awash, lights full on,
squinting past  busy wipers and sloshing
precipitation, wry and blank and gone.

 Adjusting, I see trees sway, signing me:
“Dividend-day! Interest on investments.
Have some Cherishing; here’s Inner Beauty.
You’ve done more than any priest in vestments.

So back home, you stir up that paper-pile -
all those our leaves in the deep ring binder,
greater than of Magi there, that magic.

Grieve no more loveless trails. Disinter smiles
from mettled treasuries. You will not find Her;
yet Love’s broad wheel turns now from it’s tragic.”  


Awaking Moment

The early blue today  is squeezing through
these stripes of blinds a little turned for clarity
and says, “Go on, dream into me, it’s nothing new,
and let yourself receive my Charity."

I stare, slow, unfocused, and there up-looms,
as a carp gleaming deeps of sky-water,
a bulking joy bursting my strained chest  - plumes
a silent gasp, an insight of summer.

It’s strange a moment can become the globe,
vision solid and sure to contemplate -
spin it,  bend it like Beckham from the strobe
of blurred childhood to one who ruminates;

for freedom's a lump in the throat, yet breathes
easily through the undergrowth of lives.

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