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Wispy, hazy, ambivalent
slow precipitate or solute at noon  -
yet whitened through that haze the sun is strong
in her purposes, that hers and hers alone
lie beyond the swirled world,
with fair airs, and graces of ozone,
her sheer magnetism, aurora,

most beautiful blue-white marble,
rolling in scarab gravity, oxygenated
tree-wreathed bird-home, oceaned
with whale-rakes of planktonic riches;

though in a little, lethal chariot I potter,
mathematical, linguistic doctoring,
for my pittance, yet not bury my head

but in visions of you flying over
the hedges and edges of my doings,
resting a ploughed shoulder for trees to sigh on.

Soon the sheen, soon
membranes of spring new-born and glistening
to be licked clean
by  rough tongued breezes,
shining shower-droplets,
lenses of light shaking from soft leaves;

soon, soon I will tie my shoe
among tiny flowers of mouse-eared chickweed.


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