Chapter One - Leaving

Start from the beginning

Ophelia sat up straight and readjusted her clothes as the elf placed the meal in front of her, along with her knife and fork.

"Thank you" she smiled, knowing that if the elf replied to her, she would not be able to understand him.

He returned a minute later with a goblet and a jug of water and another of ale. Ophelia poured herself a cup of water; she would have to stay hydrated for her long journey.

She finished off her lunch with gusto. Rabbit stew with seasonal vegetables, perfectly seasoned. She wiped up what was left in her bowl with her chunk of bread, and then licked her fingers clean.

Violet waddled over to Ophelia, "everything good over here?" she asked

"Oh yes, this rabbit stew is one of the best I have ever had. Thank you."

"I am delighted that you liked it" Violet replied.

"How much do I owe you?" Ophelia asked, pulling her coin purse from her pocket.

"Just two gold coins lovely."

Ophelia retrieved the coins from her coin purse, "here you go, thank you for a very yummy meal."

"You are most welcome." She said, collecting the coins.

"One last thing," Ophelia said as she shuffled her way out of the booth to stand in front of Violet, "would you be able to tell me where I would get supplies for a long trip?" she asked.

"If its weapons you are after that would be the Iron Hammer. He also does other supplies as well. Just follow the path down to the right when you leave here. You can't miss it." Violet smiled then waddled back over to her front desk.

"Iron Hammer... Iron Hammer, there you are."

Ophelia wandered down the main street, all the shops were made of giant wooden logs, and Ophelia wondered how they moved such big things around. All the homes were made with slightly smaller wooden logs; everything was so natural and smelt of pine and wood fires. It reminded her of her own village, but bigger.

The selection at Iron Hammer was astounding. Rows of swords and daggers, there was a whole wall just for bows and arrows. At the far back there were shelves piled with different riding clothes and gear. Lastly there was a section for camping supplies.

"This place didn't look that big from the outside." Ophelia mused to herself.

First off she would need a cloak for the cold nights. Ophelia ran her hand along the fur cloaks, stopping at a black, wolf skin cloak. This will keep me warm on even the coldest of nights.

Next she searched for a small dagger, she picked a simple blade. No need to be fancy as this one was to be hidden on her body. She picked up a sheath; it had straps that wrap around the waist and another one to secure it around her thigh, perfect to keep it hidden under her dress. She thought.

Now her sword was a different story. It had to be light so she could hold it, but sturdy so it wouldn't break if she ever used it.

"You look like you could use a little help."

Ophelia turned to see the smith standing behind her

"Yes, I do. I need a sword that is light, but sturdy please. Any suggestions?" she asked.

"This one right here would be your best choice." He said as he picked up a sword. The handle had a delicate feminine design, with what looked like silver vines around the hilt of the sword. The blade was flat on one side with a slight curve on the sharpened edge that hooked slightly at the tip of the blade.

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