Chapter 10

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Chapter 9 was private I don't know how but it is so you have to follow to read it I will try to take it off

Rome has the black hair and Rod the blond hair


Me and Henny are at his house after I begged for us too walk to his house while we were walking we realized every time we say Henny or Remy were saying love since we love those drinks. So now when we say Remy or Henny it means love. Justin said he had something to tell me and show me.

J- So you know I love you right

C- yes

J- and you know how you love kids

C- yeah I want a house full

J- well how about we start with 4

C- there is no way I can have quadruplets

J- okay remember when I told you about my sister dying when I was 18

C- yeah you said it was right before you joined S5

J- well I joined S5 for more than just me. I also joined for my brothers and nieces. Since I got custody

C- omg. that is so sweet. tell me about them.

J- well they're all twins. Jerome and Jerod are my brothers but we call them Rome and Rod or Rock and Fire and they're 13. Robyn and Rhianna (pronounced Ry- Anna) are my nieces but we call them Roby and RhiRhi(pronounced Ry-Ry)and they're 7 and they call me daddy cause I've always had them since they were born so I am they're daddy.

I was so shocked . I knew I loved him before but now it just sent me to overdrive

J- baby say something

C- I love you so much right now and now even more. WE have 4 kids to raise now and I'm happy I'm doing it with you.

J- Baby are you serious or you fucking wit me

C- Henny I'm serious

J- you are the best soon to be wife ever

C- I know lol but where are they I want to spoil them already

J- they already are to a certain extent so don't mess up what I worked hard on. and they driver should be here any minute

C- okay

2 min later the door opened and the kids came in they looked like mini Justins

Roby- daddy who is she? She's pretty

RhiRhi- that's what I want to know

Rod- she looks nice

Rome- is she a H-o-e

Roby- daddy what's a hoe

J- a garden tool baby . Fires in one line Rocks in another

They separated and then introduced they're selves. Rome and RhiRhi were fires. and Rod and Roby were the rocks. we were all talking to each other

J- Roby and RhiRhi go upstairs and do your homework. Me or Carter will be up there in a min to help y'all okay.

Roby and Rhi) okay daddy

they left and the was just four of us

J- Rome why the hell you said that

Rome- i don't know shid it was just the first thing that came then you said her name then I knew she was the Soulmate girl

J- oh don't do that shit again. I'm bout to go help the girls y'all can stay here or go to carter house bye. Bye Remy

C- bye Henny

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