Chapter 8

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1month later

Justin asked me to be his girlfriend two weeks ago I was so happy and he ain't none of these high school niggas so major plus. I'm at school right now in my last class and we have a free day to do nothing so me and Diamond just talking.

C) how you and Tre doing

D) good now enough about us, what's up with you and Jus

C) all I could say is we are soulmates and I love thinking about him

Then Jamie walked up and started talking to me

Jamie) hey Carter

C) its Queen I don't know like that to call me Carter

Jamie) well Queen I heard you go with Justin

C) yeah why

Jamie) I just thought you should see his first love

C) oh trust me I see her everyday

Jamie) you don't see me on weekends

C) awww sweetie you thought you were his first love

Jamie) I am and you said you see her everyday

C) let me clarify boo. I see his first love every time I look in the mirror

Jus) damn baby why you had to do her like the

I heard my mans voice and I'm like where its coming from

C) where is that coming from

D) my phone I facetimed Justin soon as she walked up and he watched everything see

She turned her phone around and I saw my Henny. I call him Henny cause I love that drink and he calls me Remy cause he loves that drink.

C) hey Henny I miss you

Jus) I miss you too Remy imma text you after this over. Jamie why the fuck you messin with my girlfriend

Jamie) I just wanted her to see your first love

Jus) well Car just told you who my first love was it was not you its her so leave her the fuck alone before she rock ya shit

C) you better listen to him

Jamie) fine you are a Street I don't want to come up missing and dead

C) nahw that won't happen I will just rock ya shit and you won't get no licks

Jus) Remy be quiet and don't start nun

C) but she started with me first

Jus) I don't care I finna text you bye D and Jamie don't fucking play wit me

D) bye

right after that I got a text from Justin

Text mode: (a/n. these are they're names in each others phone)

Forever.N.Always) why she came up to you Remy

MyyEverything) idk me and D was talking about you and she came up

Forever.N.Always) oh okay. what y'all was saying bout me

MyyEverything) ask her

Forever.N.Always) I will later can y'all leave school early

MyyEverything) yeah we got free class right now

Forever.N.Always) well leave and come to my house for spring break

MyyEverything) we'll leave early and I'll think about that

Forever.N.Always) okay I'll be in one of your rooms on your floor

MyyEverything) which one

Forever.N.Always) you just will have to find out you have two bedrooms and then you five other rooms with stuff on your floor so you will have to find me

MyyEverything) well I will take a shower and stuff before I find you in my main bedroom

Forever.N.Always) can I join please

MyyEverything) lol maybe we'll see if you're still hiding or not

Forever.N.Always) okay then we can head to my house so I can tell you now

MyyEverything) okay see you later mwah love you

Forever.N.Always) love you to

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