Chapter 5

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Me and D decided to match outfits I had on a Purple polo shirt with a green horse and so Khaki cargos and my black grape fives with plain black nerd glasses. I don't know why but I love cargos and nerd glasses. and D had on a pink polo shirt with a green horse and khaki cargos and some custom shoes that are like grape fives but instead of purple she hers were pink and some black nerd glasses

Queen) we lookin hella cute

Diamond) all for our baes 

Queen) you mean just you and your bae cause I don't go wit nobody

Diamond) yet I seen you and Jus and we we get to the trap me king and Tre gotta tell y'all some

Queen) why can't you tell me now and why Justin gotta be in it he a dboy he not part of S5

Diamond) that's what need to talk about so you will see when we get there.

Queen) okay let's go and yo ass better not eat salt and vinegar anything in my car

Diamond) lol okay I won't eat them in your car

At the trap

We pulled up the same time as Justin I was happy for that so we wouldn't have to wait. he got out and came to the passenger and pulled out a duffel bag. when he was standing back he put the duffel on the top of his truck and fixed his pants and then I seen his briefs. I don't know what it is about Aeropostale and puma briefs but I love when dudes wear them . he was looking cute in his bred 11s and black trues and a red black and white last king shirt. I think he seen me staring cause he winked at me. wait how can he see me thru tent. oh yeah when you a Street dboy we teach you how to see thru tent so that you can't get caught by the 12's (police) who don't work for us or get caught in drive boys. Me and D get out the my car.

Diamond) Hey Jus we got a meeting come on you and Car have to be there

Justin) Why she not part of S5

Queen) no Nigga you ain't part of S5

Diamond) both of yall shut and get to the meeting room

Justin) fine, and Queen you lucky I'm feeling you cause you would not be able to talk to me like that if I wasn't

Queen) Whatever Justin let's go see what's up

Justin) after y'all Bae and D

Queen) lil Justin let's go

In the meeting room it was now five chairs anyway while me and Jus was waiting for the other three we were getting to know each other more

Queen) okay how old are you

A\N: I about to start using the nicknames

Jus)  I'm 21 what about you

Car) 18 going on 19

Jus) oh do you like kids

Car) I love kids I want twins

Jus)good to know,but do you love them enough to have my babies

Car) maybe lol even though we just met I feel like I knows you forever

Jus) same here but I'm feeling you a lot ma

Omg he licked then bit his lip ''I luv this shit'' in august voice and he said ma so he new York. I love new york and new Orleans accents so mofo much I wanted to hop on him and kiss him then.

Car) oh you are

Jus) yes I am so would you wanna start talking to me


Car) I would like that

Jus) so about that number

Car) when I leave the trap no point in needing my number and right here

Jus) I know I was just seeing if you had a weakness for me cause I have one for you

Car) awwwww I know that sounded corny to me but it was real and true

he started leaning in

Jus) this could be the beginning of  beautiful relationship

Car) yes it can

he was so close to my face I felt his warm minty breath. and just  as he was just about to kiss me they walked in and I was mad and I guess Justin seen I was mad too because he smirked and whispered can we finish this later and I nodded my head yes nodding up and down smillin hella hard.

King Tre and D just looked confused. and me and Justin bust out laughing at them.

a/n. I'm going to start doing C) K) D) J) T)  for the meeting and maybe futher

K) why whispering and laughing

T) foreal

D) Car really

she said meaning the laugh I used. used the nasty joke laugh

C) nahw D its all the way that 25% though

D) whoo okay 1st

said 1st as in 1st base or kissing

C) yea

Justin started whispering in my ear again

Jus) what she mean by 1st 

C) kissing our code for the boys so they won't know what we talking about but now we're gonna have to change it since you know now and you're one of the boys

J) Baby I wouldn't do that to y'all whole scheme against them just spot make you happy

I was talking back regular

C) I like the sound of that.

Jus) lol bet you do

K) y'all stop being nasty and let's get to business

C and J) what

K) excuse me we got bidness

D) thank you

C) what ever but one question why Justin here and he just a dboy

J) my question just the other way and she a dgirl

C) boy please my last name is Street I will never be just a dgirl

J) (whispers) that wont be your last name for long soon it will be Carter Hendrix.

C) Only time can tell. back to business. when he became part of S5

J) no when she became apart of S5

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