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Warning: This story contains sexual content, gruesome violence, and strong language.

 This is my first time publishing a story like this so forgive me if it doesn't reach up to your standards. Any way the first chapter might start off a bit slow but picks up around the second.

    ENJOY ;) 

All Rights Reserved 2012 ©


 " So,um, why exactly do you need four pairs of industrial strength handcuffs?" The man behind the counter asks, suspicion dancing all over his wind worn face. He had coffee skin, and chocolate eyes, of which he narrows at me untrusting.

   " Is it really your job to ask questions on what a costomer does with the items they purchase?" I attempt a slightly guilty expression. One of a child who has been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. He raises bushy white eyebrow.

  " Only if it seems suspicious." He holds my gaze unwavering, I admire his strength. Most people would turn away from my icy blue glare.

 " My sex life is none of your concern." I say, prying my bag from his calloused hands. I smiled briefly and left the store.

 My car sits right outside the store. A black 2004 Porsche Carrera with windows so tinted it was almost illegal, I place my bag in the front seat and drive, tempted to break the speed limit. I like things fast.

 In little to no time I was at my house. The outside was seemed simple and harmless. Painted whit with an olive green trim. Inside was the complete opposite. The dark plum walls were lined with zoom-in photographs of the men I've killed in the past. Starting with my father, if you could call him that. He'd beaten me senseless until the day I turned 17. It featured  a close up of his bloodied hand. The next showed the blank green eyes of a rapist. There were four more after that, each man evil in their own way. Each of them said the same things before they died. Please don't. I'm sorry. Help. Why?  I smile to myself when their desperate pleas ring through my mind. They actually thought they deserved to live.

  I'm a natural born killer. To me It's my job to rid the world of evil men. But tonight I had a different goal.

  Tonight's victim wasn't your average killer.

Infact I didn't know who he was, or what he looked like.

But I did know what to look for.

 Violet eyes that seemed to be looking everywhere at once.

Skin so pale, it was almost pure white.

 And whose blood would lead to my immortality.

 Some might call me crazy.

Not for attempting to steal a vampire's blood, but for believing vampires existed in the first place. Hardly anyone knows of the the creatures that  come out when everyone is turning in. I've had a run in with a few, they let me live in exchange of my blood. But I'm tiered of being a donor.

 A vampires life practically revolves around sex and blood, so it should be easy to lure one back to my place, and into the five-inch thick steel handcuffs I'd recently purchased.

All I needed was a pint of their blood. Sure I would be in agonizing pain for five hours, but that seems like a small price to pay to live for ever with superhuman senses, strength, and speed.

 I pull my dagger from my boot, I never went any where without it. I stare at my reflection in the narrow silver blade.  A smaller version of my self stares back at me, with large ice blue eyes and raven black hair, that shone with tints of turquoise and purple in the light. I begin to sharpen it, sending sparks flying in different directions. I press my finger to the tip of the blade, and pull away almost instantly. Blood begins to pool at the tip of my finger, I lick away the blood, rust and salt run over my tongue, but at least I've stopped bleeding.

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