1. Heartbeat

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"I can't believe you convinced me to come save you guys, again." I scoffed as I ducked behind a hot pipe, Sam smirked as he hid behind a wall.

We've been hunting a shapeshifter through some small town sewage system, all because my old friend needed a little help catching these slimy creatures.

The other side went quiet so we went to check out why the gunshots had stopped.

I walked ahead, I turned quickly when I heard Sam grunt, I was faced with the shapeshifter who took Deans image and copied it.

Before I could shoot, I was hit over the head with a wrench he held.


I woke up to the nasty smell of sewage, my head stung as I cringed.

My wrists hurt as they were tied tightly behind me, around a warm pipe.

I opened my eyes, only to see my greatest fear sitting five feet ahead of me.

"Jenny." Dean smiled, his cheek was dark like he was just beat up by himself, too. His hands were tied behind his back as well, exposing his strong arms as he just wore a white tee.

"It's Jane." I corrected him, "But you knew that, didn't you?" I said slightly raising my eyebrows before wincing.

"Jane? Dean? Are you guys alright?" Sam hollered from behind me.

"Peachy." Dean and I spoke almost completely in-sync with each other, but I payed no mind to how similar we were.

"The shapeshifter is gone, it left about ten minutes ago." Sam informed us.

I wiggled slightly, knowing just how to get out of these types of knots.

I sighed in relief as the rope loosened enough for my to slip my hands free, I slightly smiled as I stood up.

"Hey, look at that, the cop escaped!" Dean spoke happily and I lightly scoffed, of course he'd make fun of me for having a good, honest job.

Whereas he's been doing credit card scams along with hustling and gambling since he was 17.

I walked towards him, and I didn't show it but I was incredibly nervous-- even just for our hands to slightly graze or if he looked into my eyes I might just melt.

I cut him loose, my heartbeat rising even without having to make any kind of contact with his perfectly rough but soft hands.

I went over and cut Sam loose next, they both stood and regained their thoughts.

"He's going after Tracy," Sam spoke up, "Who the hell is Tracy?" I asked as I tied my hair back.

"Smoking hot blonde with a big rac--" "She's my friend." Sam interrupted his big brother, I glared at Dean momentarily.

"Why is he going after her?" I asked because I just arrived earlier today, Sam barely filled me in on a shapeshifter that was killing off his friends from college.

"We don't know, but he's already killed her boyfriend who was my closest friend in school." Sam said and my stomach turned in knots, anything bad that could happen to Sam, has happened.

From his mother dying when he was a baby, to his girlfriend dying the same death 22 years later, he's had it rough.

Dean has had it rough, too.

"Well, lets go." Dean said as he cocked the shotgun he had taken away from him earlier.

I followed them quietly as they talked, well, it was more like arguing the whole way back to Dean's car.

I slightly smirked, "You still have the Impala." I spoke softly and I felt Dean look over at me as I looked at the car.

"Of course I do, it holds my memories." Dean spoke as I barely ran my fingers over the window frame, I lightly smiled before Sam cleared his throat.

Dean and I looked over at Sam, "We should go." He suggested and I nodded, tucking a stray hair behind my ear, "I'll meet you guys there." I said before I started walking to my old baby blue Jeep.

I followed the boys that I've known for years to what looked like a college campus, they pulled up to a small house and got out of the jet black car.

I parked behind them before getting out, I walked towards the trunk of Dean's car where the two brothers stood, picking out their weapons of choice.

"Use what you want." Dean offered and I declined, "I have my own arsenal, thank you very much." I smiled before I walked back to my Jeep, Dean followed me closely while Sam trailed behind him.

I opened the back of my Jeep before showing the two a spare key I keep around my neck, I took it off and unlocked a secret compartment.

I showed off my well-stocked collection of guns, knives and just about anything else you can think of.

"Marry me." Dean joked as he looked at the weapons I took everywhere with me, ever since high school.

I smirked before focusing on the task at hand, "Ready?" Sam chimed as he watched me load my .9 mm hand gun, I nodded softly.

That's when it started, when I became part of their lives.. again.

a/n everyone plays the same people they do on Supernatural 🙂 just a few little changes..

Like sam won't be in most of it, he'll be off at college.

Sara Sampaio plays Jane 😋

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