three | new earth pt. 3

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the last of their kinds !

the last of their kinds !

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( iii. fighting a psychograph )

Karielle followed Rose down an old metal staircase, while the Doctor followed behind the angel. Every walkway they passed was lined with cells Karielle realized were Plague Carriers. Karielle knew everything there was to know about illnesses, containment methods as well as healing methods. She prefered the herbal methods because her magic could enhance the healing properties, but she was also well educated in the art of medicine too but that's besides the point. But that was how she recognized the vessels.

Another one of Karielle's gifts was that she was unbelievingly smart. Angels were created in the form of God. Karielle was no exception. She had her father's knowledge. He granted it to her because she was made last.

Even with that though, her brothers made sure to educate her in the art of everything.

So when Karielle saw all of the carriers, she began to piece together a theory as she trailed behind Rose.

And when the pieces fell into place, Karielle felt like ripping someone's head off.

The Doctor stopped when the three of them came to yet another hallway lined with Carriers. Karielle stood beside the Doctor as he opened the green glass door. In the carrier, was a man. The man was covered in blisters and seemed to be sick, with not just one illness, but all of them.

The Angel was angered by the sight. The plague carriers were being used to grown new, innocent humans and then infect them with patients diseases. Karielle gritted her teeth together.

"They were innocent."

"That's disgusting." Rose stated from behind the Angel. The taller blonde was peeking over Karielle's shoulder. "What's wrong with him?"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." The Doctor told the man lowly as he closed the door. Karielle moved to the next container and opened it before instantly regretting her decision.

In the one she had opened, was a girl, who looked just as bad as the last. Karielle quietly apologized.

She was angry. "Human's seem to get worse as their race ages."

She was an angel. Her purpose was to heal and no matter how rebellous and reckless she was, Karielle still wanted to help, just not as badly as her oh so righteous family.

She would heal them, but she wasn't at full power. She couldn't. "What disease is that?" Rose, or the person in Rose, questioned.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 ( the doctor )Where stories live. Discover now