The Bell Test and The Injury

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Naruto was sitting in the clearing of training ground seven meditating. The plants around him happily wrapped around his torso, legs, and arms. He was focusing on the feelings of the nature around him as he closed his eyes and let his chakra flow out and encompass him in a sheet of light silver.

He let his senses roam the area, catching onto every twig and animal he came across, and he let the calmness of the forest wash over his mind as he listened to the splashing of the waterfall a couple of miles away from where he was sitting.

He let his hearing pick up the snap of a twig and the call of a mother bird to her hatchlings, who cheerily twittered back. He loved the moments when he could just fade away and become one with the forest, forget his surroundings and simply be at peace.

His eyes opened as he watched a herd of deer step into the clearing, the sun glinting off of their brown fur as they turned their heads to look at him as they passed. One small fawn tottered up to him and sniffed his hand as he reached out. The fawn moved her head to the side and let his hand glide over her back for some time before her mother called her back to the group. She turned around and licked his hand before hopping off to join her family.

"That was so adorable!" Cara squawked from where she was resting in the shade on a tree branch.
"Yeah yeah Cara, now let me sleep without your chittering." He replied teasingly. Cara shook her head in amusement as he curled up against a tree. She flew over and landed on his shoulder before turning and making sure that Kaba and Kuro were coming over as well. Cara burrowed into his neck, Kaba yawned before crawling into the space between Naruto's legs and arms and pressing up against his torso, and Kuro wrapped himself around his leg. Soon they were all sleeping silently as they cuddled up with each other.

Time skip-

Sasuke walked up to training ground 7 and stretched as he entered the field. He noticed in the corner of his eye a small blob of orange and yellow, which he quickly identified as Naruto.

He crept silently closer as to not wake the sleeping figure up and noticed the three animals that he introduced as his nin-animals curled up against him.
He was confused however, at the specks of color dotting his hair, some were orange and black while others were purple, blue, and yellow. He had to keep from laughing as he realized that the shapes were butterflies that had nested in his hair, and went to go sit back down.

He was broken out of watching Naruto sleep by the pounding of feet close by. He looked up already knowing who it was as his eyes met bright pink hair.
He inwardly groaned when he heard her screech 'Sasuke-kun!' As she ran up to him. This noise seemed to stir Naruto as he cracked open his eyes and groaned quietly, obviously not enjoying being disturbed.

"Naruto-Baka, what do you think your doing being alone with my Sasuke-kun!" She yelled at Naruto from across the clearing. This seemed to completely wake him as he slowly sat up and asked, "Sasuke is here? I didn't realize, sorry." In a rather calming voice. This didn't seem to faze her as she screamed, "You better not disgrace his presence next time idiot!"

Naruto simply closed his eyes again and placed his hand on his fox, Kaba's head to calm him down, as he had also woken up due to the noise and had begun to growl.

Sasuke sighed and wished that their sensei would arrive sooner so that he didn't have to put up with the pink rhinoceros that had latched onto his arm, trying to look appealing but only annoying him further. He simply watched Naruto drift off again with the butterflies still resting in his hair.

Time skip-

It had been 3 hours from when they had first arrived at the training grounds, and Sakura was stomping around furiously and complaining while Naruto was still asleep. Sakura was about to yell again before a poof of smoke appeared and revealed Kakashi, who simply said 'yo!' to greet them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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