The Other Boys Hate You and Coursework

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'He can't stand me Liam, don't you understand that?' You sobbed, mascara running down your cheeks as Liam rubbed your back.

'I know, I know, he was out of order, I'll talk to him baby, I promise.' He comforted, as he said promise, his voice drained out, you pulled away and faced the way he was facing, it was Zayn, he was standing in the doorway a look of anger on his face.

'Liam, you coming?' Zayn asked, ignoring the fact that you were crying.

'No, I won't be coming, I'm staying with y/n.' He said, standing his ground.

'Eurgh.' Zayn scoffed before turning on his heel.

'Hey!' Liam yelled.

'What is your problem?' He demanded.

'Okay, you really want to know, I love y/n, I always have, because you're dating her I hated her because I saw you first y/n, you're meant to be with me.' Zayn moaned before Liam kissed your head, it made a little more sense now but it still hurt.


'Ugh Harry, what's she doing here?' Niall asked with venom in his voice as he said the word 'she' your hand dropped from Harry's and hung limply by your side. Harry stood in front of you protectively and spat back

'I understand you don't like her Niall but I love her okay and she's staying here whether you like it or not, don't? Leave. Doors there.' He grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly.

'Sorry y/n, I just-um, never mind.' Niall said quickly before running out of the house.

Harry turned to face you and smiled placing his lips on your forehead.

'I'll always choose you.' He stated and you shook your head.

'Don't fall out with your friends because of me Haz.' You told him gently.


'Anyone want a drink? I'm making?' You asked, removing your hand from Louis' grasp.

'No.' Harry said bluntly, after a while you'd become used to it, the comments they made towards you.

You sighed and stood up before going into the kitchen and making you and Louis drinks anyway.

You went back into the lounge to hear Louis and Harry arguing about you, Louis was defending you and Harry and the other shouting about how they hated you.

You put the drinks down on the coffee table before you grabbed your coat and shoved your feet into your shoes, you caught Harry's eye before you ran into the road, Louis ran after you and after a long discussion about they didn't matter he walked you home.


'No Zayn, she can't come, I don't like her she'll just ruin the night completely.' Niall shouted as you stood up the stairs and watched nervously, your hands shaking, you were just in a tshirt which you hadn't been before.

'Zayn, have you seen my ur-' you went to say, you were trying not to cry but Niall pulled you up with his hand in yours. You tried to pull your hand away but he saw the cuts, it was too late.

'Zayn?' Niall asked looking through you.

'Why do you think I defend her to the ends of the earth? You broke my baby Horan.' Zayn told him as he pulled you out of Niall's grasp and up the stairs where he kept apologising.


'Hey Niall.' You called as you walked through the door, you threw your bags on the floor as you did so but as you walked into the living room you saw the other boys staring murderously at you.

'End it with Niall.' Zayn said with venom in his voice, you winced at his words and stepped back.

'No.' You said, Zayn's eyes filled with fire and he walked towards you, your body was now pushed against a wall, Zayns arms against your face so you couldn't move.

'Weak without Niall, nothing without him, poor weak y/n, look, none of us like you so if you could just end it that'd be great.' He threatened, his hands released you and you just walked away from him, Niall's car pulling up in the driveway as you did.



'Whatcha doing?' Liam asked one afternoon as the canvas with a painting for your art coursework hung on an easel in front of you, you turned and smiled at him.

'Art coursework.' You stated, he'd just come back from playing football with the lads and had a football in his hands, he dropped it onto his foot and began to kick it from one foot to the next over and over again.

'Woah shit.' He said a couple of seconds later as he lost balance and control of the ball, it hit the painting with some force and as it fell it dragged the paint with it.

'Oh god baby, I'm so sorry.' He tried to redeem himself from what he'd done but you stepped back and looked at it.

'I quite like it, thanks Liam.' You smiled running into the kitchen to get your camera to take a picture.


'Whats all this?' Louis asked as you sat cross legged on the bedroom floor surrounded by stacks of paper.

'I'm trying to find the pages I need for my maths coursework.' You whined, he got down on his hands and knees before mimicking the position you were sitting in and helped you sift through the pages, after about an hour you managed to find them, you shot up and sat at the computer typing away madly as you did so, every so often Louis would chip in and help you with it.


'I'm doing coursework y/n, please not right now.' Zayn told you as you sat on the sofa with him, his face screwed up with concentration.

'Look Zayn, maybe you should take a break from it huh, come on we can watch a movie.' You proposed rubbing his shoulders, he moaned as he loved it when you did that,

'Maybe you're right babe.' He grinned leaning in to kiss you gently, the sheets of his work scattered across the floor as you both took over the sofa.


'Can you help me!' You shouted as you threw your papers across the room in frustration.

'I'm coming!' He shouted as he ran up the stairs, he appeared in the doorway and laughed as his hand ran through his hair, he helped pick up your paper and he sat with you, he took you through your coursework step by step and you got it finished eventually.


'We both have to do something,' Harry said as he swung back on his chair, the two of you were working in a group to get it finished and so far all you had were each others mouth germs and 200 words on the computer.

'I know but I can't its just.' Harry smiled and you stopped talking, his hands reached put for your own and you felt yourself leaning in once more and you shared a kiss more passionate than the ones before.

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