He Wakes You Up Because He's In Pain/Sick

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'(Y/N)?' He croaked into the darkness.

'Yeah?' You asked, yawning.

'I feel really sick.' He complained.

'Stay there.' You instructed.

You returned a few moments later with a glass of water and some medication but he was already leaning over the toilet throwing up the contents of his stomach.


He'd recently broken his arm due to a footballing injury and you were the only person there to make sure he was okay.

You were awoken one night by Harry's large hands shaking your torso, you tried to swat him away but he was crying.

'Babe? What's wrong?' You tried to ask him, he sniffed.

'The pain.' He grimaced.

'Oh okay Harry, lay back down.' You stated before leaving to go to the kitchen to get him some pain relief.


He was shouting and crying in his sleep, thrashing around in the duvet.

'Zayn.' You whispered, propping yourself up on your elbow and poking him gently.

He screamed again and hit you in the face. Hard.

'(Y/N)?' Zayn panicked, you were now laying on the floor clutching your face. Zayns head appeared over the top of your bed.

'It was an accident, that guy, he shot you, I thought-'

'It doesn't matter.' You cut him off.


It was the retching sound that woke you up from you first decent sleep in two weeks.

You groaned and shoved the pillow in your face, hopefully to muffle the sound but it only continued.

You rolled out of bed and entered the ensuite you and your fiance Louis shared.

'Babe? Are you okay?' You whispered.

He shook his head and threw up again.

'Sorry I woke you.' He stated and you helped him back to bed.


There was a large bang in the middle of the night, you screamed and sat up, Liam had gone, you rolled to his side and looked over the edge, he was laying on the floor.

'Liam?' You giggled but your face straightened when it occurred to you that he was in pain.

'What's wrong?' You asked.

'My shoulder's twisted awkwardly.' He was crying.

'Come, I'll take you to a&e.' You smiled.

'Sorry.' He apologised. You later found out that it was dislocated.

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