Chapter XLVI: Betrothed

Start from the beginning

"How are you going to get home?" Timothy asked, still in a sad and subdued tone.

"The chopper will pick me up tomorrow." She simply answered as if it was just normal to be fetched by a chopper.

The young architect nodded his head again, he had almost forgotten that Sabina was a daughter of a billionaire.


Warning: SPG --sensitive topic (suicide)

"Hi abuela! I missed you. How are you?" The petite biologist engulfed the old woman in a soft embrace as soon as she saw her.

With a serene and happy grin, the clan matriarch replied. "I'm beyond fine mi amor and I missed you, too. Let me look at you." The old woman pushed her granddaughter gently and stared at her from head to toe.

"You're leaner and I bit taller, I think." She teased while still gazing at her adoringly.

"Abuela! You're hurting my feelings." Sabina replied faking an exaggerated pained face.

A loud crisp laughter emanated from the old matriarch's lips. "Come on, mi amor. It's almost tea time. Get change and meet me at the tea room." She ordered kindly.

"See you, abuela." The petite biologist smile as she skipped towards the west wing of the grand ancestral house.

The next following days were spent in the vast tobacco plantation, riding Shadow and taking care of her abuela, Doña Esperanza.

Sabina also visited the home of some of their workers since she wanted to know their living condition. And she was glad to find out that they were being taken cared of, perfectly.

And since it was her first time here after more than a decade, her twin brothers took her to the hauntingly beautiful Bantay Bell tower, to the magnificent Paoay Church and to the high and mighty Cape Bojeador Lighthouse.

The Dela Vega siblings also tried sand boarding and 4x4 ride in the sand dunes of Laoag. And for the first time she had enjoyed the tourist destination of her own home province.

They also revisited the old "Burnayans" and the untouched Calle Crisologo. And thoroughly, Sabina explored the many museums in their city. She also relished eating Vigan's delicacies like empanada, Bagnet (deep fried pork chunks) and chichacorn (fried corn kernels).

This was a dream come true for the petite biologist since she was with her brothers while doing all these. Her heart felt full and content because of this wonderful blessing.

On her fourth day at home, she felt that it was time for her to discuss her agenda/dilemma to her family so after dinner she invited everyone at their wide veranda for dessert and coffee.

Before starting, the petite biologist studied the faces of her family, one by one. First was her beautiful abuela, then her suddenly chatty father and lastly, her twin brothers. And she found that all of them, looked fine and happy.

"Guys, I need to tell you something. This is really important to me so please be honest and tell me what you truly think and feel." She began, readily her loud husky voice caught everyone's attention so they trained all their eyes towards her and waited patiently.

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