"Chemistry and Math," He looked up at me with a little pout on his lips, then Rebecca quickly snatched my schedule away from Hayden, "And we have the same lunch so that's good." I looked from him to Rebecca and then to all the staring faces, sighing mentally.

"I have all, but Math, with you." Rebecca handed me my schedule back and I smiled pleasantly and she returned the smile. "Guess we'll have to get along now, if you like it or not." I chuckled lightly and I gazed at the room number, finding my next classroom which was English. They followed me into the classroom, along with the curious faces as I walked over to the teacher and she handed everything that I needed and showed me where I would sit.

"Well I guess I'll see you two at Lunch," Hayden smiled and excited out of the classroom and Rebecca sat down on my desk, looking down at me. We chatted about what was going on in the class right now, and how we were reading about this story about a little girl who witnessed her father get murderer, which made my skin tingle a little.

The class went be fairly quickly as we read the book, and answered questions about it along with the ten minutes the teacher gave us after to just hang out and talk. I talked to Rebecca and some of her friends that were in this class, finding them all really nice. A few jocks gave me questionable looks, not quite sure what to make of me yet.

After the bell rang, Rebecca and I headed down the hall to meet up with Hayden at his Art class and we walked him to his next class and then went to ours, which was U.S. History, and that class went by slower as the teacher drowned on and on about, not history, but his life which almost made me fall asleep, but the bell rang, dismissing us from the long lecture of his life and Rebecca and I ran out the door, meeting up with Hayden again and we headed towards the Lunch Room

The school here served many different kinds of foods and if you didn't like any of those choices, there was a student store you could buy junk food from and eat that, but I waited in the main lunch line, getting a hamburger. Rebecca also got a hamburger, but Hayden went to go get a soda and a pizza pocket from the student store.

Rebecca walked me over to a table that was already half full, with people that you would consider "emo" or "scene" and they all glanced up at us as we made our way over, but mostly looked at me, girls blushing lightly and guys looking me over like Hayden had, looking at their new competition I guess. We sat down and everyone was quiet for a moment then they began asking me questions of where I was from, why I came here, about my family.

I began to answer all the questions when Hayden came and sat down beside me and everyone began to talk to him, I guess he was popular in this group. I eagerly munched on my food that was practically cold now, as Rebecca watched, what looked like jealousy, as everyone talked to Hayden.

After I got done eating I stood up from the table, tugging lightly on Rebecca's shirt telling her to follow me as I went to go throw my the stuff on my tray away and then go put the tray away. She walked with me, sulking over to the dishwashers, a small pout on her face.

"Are you okay, Rebecca?" I asked, turning to face her fully, placing my arms on her shoulders. She looked up at me, her eyes starting to tear a little, nodding her head. "What's wrong then?"

"It's just... Hayden," She sighed and looked over at him as he smiled as he spoke with their friends. "I'm not jealous or anything, it's just... he puts on this face, when he is hurting on the inside. You wouldn't think by just looking at him, but deep down he is."

"What do you mean?" I looked down at her curiously, cocking my head to the side. She scanned the crowd, watching a few people.

"See that guy walking over to our table, blue hoodie?" She asked and I glanced and spotted a guy, very attractive, he made his way over to the table, hands shoved in his pockets. "Well his name is Dan, they dated about a month ago, he broke up with him, breaking Hayden's heart. Watch, he's going over to him, watch the smile disappear from Hayden's face." I hadn't thought about the possibility that Hayden dated guys, and was plesantly surprised as I watched the guy, Dan, walk over to Hayden.

He tapped Hayden's shoulder lightly and Hayden turned around expecting one of his friends, with a big ol' smile plastered on his face, but once he saw who it was his smile disappeared and he looked away, my breath got caught in my throat as I watched the scene unfold in front of me. I wanted to go punch that Dan guy for some reason, for hurting Hayden like that, even if I didn't know why he broke up with him, and I had just met Hayden not even five hours ago.

I nervously bit my lower lip as Dan wrapped an arm around Hayden, to atempt to comfort him, but only making Hayden go tense and looked down at his hands for his only escape. Soon Dan left and Hayden looked up to make sure he was gone and then bolted away from the table, heading down the halls.

"See what I mean," Rebecca looked up at me sadly and I nodded, "He acts like he's fine and think is he is fine, but every time someone he loves hurts him, he goes into this depressive state, doesn't come to school for a while and then he is fine all over again. I just worry for him."

I watched down to hall where he had escaped to, wondering on where he was going and how he was. He probably was locked away in a closet, hiding away from any and everyone. Something was laid out on my heart that moment. I knew that I wanted to fix him; I wanted to be the person who would mend his broken heart, and wouldn't give up until I did.

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