Echo Down, by Bradon Nave

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Even a militia of angry immortals cannot keep her from rescuing him.

Tucked away within a peculiar mountain, the small Kingdom of Evrastill is home to an elite society of immortals. Carrie, one of the Society's younger members, has endured several challenges during her days within the Kingdom.

As other members enjoy individual skills of the mind and body...Carrie has yet to acquire her skill—her magic.

Although disheartening, her lack of magic is not Carrie's primary concern. Many years before, the treacherous actions of the Society's Council led to the separation of Carrie and the object she valued above all else—Charlie.

The decades passed, leaving Carrie unaged, but changing the views and minds of those of the Council. When Carrie's plea to collect him is finally obliged, even a militia of angry immortals will not keep her from finally rescuing him.

The adventure sends Carrie and her immortal friends on a dangerous quest. With her eternal happiness at stake, Carrie will leverage everything to reclaim what has been taken from her, but is she too late?

When dark secrets and enemies are revealed, only then will Carrie learn the true identity of her gift...her magic. It has been lurking within her...aching for the opportunity to be unleashed.


Chapter One

Poised and statuesque, she stood among the trees outside the entrance of Evrastill. The light above her tickled the ground below, only fragments penetrated through the thick branches.

No grand grates or elaborate fixtures surrounded the entrance to the Kingdom. A society of secrecy, the tunneled opening to the mountain was humble in appearance.

For hours, she'd stood anchored, awaiting the Council's decision. Surely with the upheaval and recent scandal amongst Council leadership, her request would be approved—she asked for nothing more than other society members possessed currently.

Rustling in the foliage captured her peripheral gaze. A small squirrel scurried cautiously about the forest floor until it reached her feet and then up her body—sitting on her shoulder, it removed the nut from its cheek and consumed it carelessly from the safety of her watch.

She paid little attention to its actions—her mind consumed with the situation at hand. Would her eternity be blissful—all she'd ever begged for, or would she remain hollow and wandering ever-after?

"Why do you stand alone, Carrie?"

"Nyrobie, I felt you on my thoughts."

Nyrobie appeared from the cave's entrance and walked to Carrie.

"I didn't mean to intrude. You had me concerned."

"You're my truest friend, Nyrobie. I've nothing to hide, my thoughts are yours to examine as you see fit."

Facing her, Carrie noticed an uncontrollable smile curling the lips of her friend. Nyrobie pushed one of the many small, waist-long, black, braids behind her ear.

"Tell me, Nyrobie, have you been meddling in the minds of other members today?"



A full smile cascaded across Nyrobie's face, her dark complexion speckled with bits of sunlight from above. "The Council will approve your request, my friend."

The squirrel clung tightly to her shoulder as Carrie reached for a nearby tree, supporting herself as she stared toward the ground. "You're certain? Full approval?"

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