Bound to the Alphas, by Lily Thorn

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She awakes in a forest, dressed only in a traveling cloak and with no memory of who she is or why she's run her feet bloody. Worse, she seems to have woken up in shifter territory, under the noses of two huge wolves. One shifter is fierce and cold, the other warm and comforting. They claim they'll protect her. But her enemy is after her, getting closer every day. And he has nothing to fear from shifters...

Chapter One

There was nothing but the sound of her ragged breath in her ears, the pounding of her bare feet against the earth. Her lungs ached, her legs burned, but she couldn't stop. Not now. Not ever.

The stitch in her side flared. Crying out, she stumbled and fell. Ignoring her scraped hands, she rose, gulping in deep, shuddering breaths of air.

She looked back over her shoulder, dread in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't name what was behind her, but she knew one thing.

He is coming.

Far-off in the inky night, a scream of rage split the air. Backing away, she began to run again. It felt like an icy hand had seized her heart. The words pulsed through her mind like a chant, her feet lending a frenzied beat.

He is coming. He is coming. He is coming.

She raced toward the mountains, wind clawing at her stolen cloak. Branches whipped her face, thorns tore at her legs, but she forced herself onward.

She just wished she knew what she was running from.

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