Prologue (Updated)

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Hello my lovelies! For my new readers, welcome! For those who have already read the book, hello again!

This is the a brand new prologue, a part of a much larger revision process of the whole manuscript so that it can have more luck with publishing agents.

Here's a taste of what I'm working on. Enjoy!

Also here's the link to my pinterest:



Have faith, they say. Believe.

Believe in what? In who?

People are told to believe whatever they wish so long as it does not go against what society has placed upon them to think as right. The people of my country have been raised to believe in the power and might of the royal family. To put their utmost faith and trust in a person whose legitimacy to rule was cemented by reinforcing the notion that they were divinely selected.

In return to having so much trust placed upon them, the present monarch believes, or at least should, that the interests of the people are far more important than their personal needs. The relationship between ruled and ruler has always been peaceful. Kings have never abused their power. If there is a problem, it is fixed without any blood spent.

But if the country is under threat from outside forces, the people will not hesitate to take up arms and follow their sovereign into the fray.

No blood unless necessary. That is our country's motto.

However, somethings are beyond man's control. Many things are inevitable, but many do not like to think that there is something they cannot obtain.

Someone told me the following after he made a decision that would ultimately affect me even though his reasons were to protect me and give me what was mine the moment I was conceived.

"You can avoid death, but it will come. You can lie, but the truth still lingers. But the one thing mankind has no reign over, regardless of status, is destiny. When you doubt your purpose, when you question your decisions, remember then a power far greater than any of us selected you to carry on. Remember that in the end, the choices you have made, no matter how meticulous, will lead up to what has been intended for you. But you know the role you have been chosen to play. You know the risks it comes with as well as the benefits it reaps.

I have prepared you, but I cannot bear witness to the glory that will shine upon you. Think of me, but do not think like me. You are your own person, and you will lead with my spirit alive in you and with you, but do not embody me.

Remember who you are, remember the legacy of kings that runs through your veins. Remember you are Eleanor.

Eleanor Alexandria Maria Alagor.

You are my heir, my child, my pride.

You will be the first woman to solely rule over this nation.

You are ready, and so is Alendar."

My father died two years after he told me that. He was nearly sixty. I had but turned twenty. When he said this, we were about to proceed into the Privy Chamber and hear the verdict from Parliament instating me as the new heir apparent.

Yet I was not ready for the threat that would come to my shores three years into my reign.

Nothing ever prepares you for the unexpected.

All you can do is strategize, brace yourself, and hope that you somehow manage to make it out alive.

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