"Morning honey," she returned the kiss with a sweet little peck as she finished cooking pancakes and bacon, my favorite, putting it on a plate and handing me it. The smell of the kitchen overwhelmed me, making my mouth water as I stared down at my food. I grabbed a piece of bacon to settle my angry stomach as I put butter and syrup onto my pancakes.

My father was never home in the morning because his job demanded him to be in very early because he was co- CEO of the big company for sports stuff. He had always wanted me to be one of those cliché sons that would play sports with their father, though I was never like that. I didn't mind football when I was just throwing the ball, but when it came to tackling I was a chicken and didn't want to get hurt.

I finished my amazing breakfast with the pleasant thoughts of my father and then put my dishes away in the dishwasher, as my mom had left minutes before to go get ready for her job as a nurse, which totally fit her. She was a people person and was perfect as she just chatted to them as she took their routine tests.

I grabbed my backpack that I sat down on the ground and headed for the door, yelling a goodbye and love you to my mom, and shut the door behind me. We lived in a nice cozy two story house, that was perfect for the small family. Our house was placed in a very nice neighborhood, where everyone seemed to have a smiling face.

Since school was only a few blocks away, I decided to walk to school, to save money from the gas of my car, even though it was a very nice car and I loved showing it off to people. It was a new 2012 Dodge, Challenger; my father bought me for moving here. Though I got it months ago when they decided for all of us to move here, honestly I didn't mind, but the car was a nice touch.

I grabbed my iPhone from out of my pocket and plugged my headphones in and placed them into my ears, turning on my favorite band Pierce the Veil; the lead singer was a total hottie. I had gone to one of their concerts this last year with my best friend Kayla, and 'accidently' kissed lead singer Victor Fuentes. He wasn't too happy and I was even kicked out afterwards by security, but it was totally worth it.

Soon I made it to Trojan High School of Las Angeles, how funny, the school was a condom. I made my way across the street and walked towards the school, getting many looks, and when I say many, I mean everyone was staring at me, their jaw dropping. I scanned the crowd of students outside, their gazes following me as I walked to the front doors. How I loved first days.

I was a Junior this year and all my credits would be transferring over here to this school along with the grades I had in my class, luckily. I was a straight A student, with the exception of classes that I just completely sucked at. Either than that, I was pretty smart and hot.

As I entered the school the people in the halls all stared too, all looking at the hot new kid. I refrained from smirking and headed into the office, pulling out my headphones making my way to the busy Attendance lady, "Excuse me."

The lady looked up at me and smiled happily, "You must be Adam McLayn?" I nodded my head and she handed me my schedule along with a clipboard with a survey I had to fill out. I quickly answered everything, glancing over my shoulder at the forming crowd, all watching me. Why did it seem like I was like someone famous? I handed the lady the clipboard back, "Thanks. I'm Mrs. Doll, if you need anything come back and I'll make sure to help you."

"Okay," I smiled a little and then turned around towards the crowd, inhaling a little and began to walk out of the office. People began to chat among themselves pretending like they hadn't been watching me, peeking glances at me as I turned down the hall trying to find where my first class would be.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, seeing if anyone from my old school had messaged me, but they would be in school right now and that school did not allow phones to be even seen out in the hallways, but here, considering everyone out on their cell phones I figured it was fine. I sighed putting my phone back in my pocket and continued walking down the hall, looking at the room numbers.

The school was two storied and I finally found my first class on the second floor, by one of the four stair cases on all four ends of the school. It was Chemistry, oh how I loved this class, to be sarcastic. I walked into the classroom and people stopped talking and looked at me as I made my way to the teacher's desk where he sat.

"Hey," I muttered and the teacher glanced up at my voice, eyes peering up at me from above his glasses, that were perched on his nose. He was old, great, this class was getting better by the moment. His slicked back gray hair made it look greasy, not to mention it looked horrible since he barely had hair. He was a little overweight and he wore a gray vest over a white shirt, along with gray slacks. I refrained from flinching as I took a whiff of his old smell.

"Adam?" He guessed and I nodded my head and then a chorus of girls behind me whispered my name. "I'm Mr. Kail, I will be your Chemistry teacher." He stood up and walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a Chemistry book and handed it to me. I took it, grunting a little from the weight of it, and I was supposed to carry this in my backpack? "You'll need that, and this. You'll be sitting behind Rebecca. Rebecca raise your hand." He handed me a bunch of papers, stacking them on top of the book and I turned around to see a very pretty girl raising her hand, blushing lightly as I took in her features; black hair, eyeliner, blue eyes, black tee of a band I haven't heard of before, and blue skinny jeans.

"Uh, thanks." I said as nice as I could to Mr. Kail and walked to where Rebecca was and sat down behind her, shoving all my papers into my Chemistry folder. When I looked up the girl, Rebecca was turned around, smiling.

"Hey!" She said excitedly, leaning over my desk a little.


"Hi?" She retorted and made a face, "That's not very nice to say to someone you are just meeting." I laughed mentally, a small grin spreading across my lips. I liked this girl already. She was also probably in the category of Goth and Emo, as I was always happily accepted into.

"Well there is no way in hell I'm going to make out with someone I don't know, deary," The words flowed right out of my mouth and instantly she blushed, turning back around, so that her back was to me. "I'm Adam, by the way."

"Uh.. yeah.. hi," She mumbled and I quirked my eyebrow, finding it funny she was just giving me a hard time for saying 'hi'. I smirked contently and leaned back in my seat, looking around at the room at all the staring faces, probably all hearing what I said to Rebecca.

I was already enjoying this new school. The people seemed welcoming and pleasant to be around, decent looking people to choose from, but never did I think that this school would provide the one that would change my whole world around.

Fixing the Broken Boy (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن