Chapter 6 - Shopping and kills

Start from the beginning

"Good to know that then." She giggled.

"Why? Scared of Jason?" He grinned.

Jasmine laughed, seriously this time. "No, I wouldn't say so. Jason has a lot better to do than worry about a quiet girl like me. I'm not one who likes problems, agent."

"Better this way, Miss. I don't want to be forced to make her fine or take her to the hospital for ending in a bear trap."

"Oh right, the traps. News about the hunter?"

"No, but a few weeks ago a hiker was about to lose a leg."


"... So ... why here? Visiting the city?" He asked, before falling into an embarrassing silence.

"Yes, I'll take a round of exploration. Can you tell me where the hospital is? My dad started working there."

Mike gave her the indication to reach it. "Sorry, but I have to go back to work. See you around?"

"Sure. See you then."

"See you soon, Jasmine."

"Bye, and good job."

And so they both separated. Jasmine came back to her bike and Finn put himself in the rack behind her, replaced by a wooden case to be able to comfortably carry Finn or anything else.

"What do you think of him?" The girl asked to the dog. "He looks like a good guy...right?"

In response, Finn tilted his head to the side.

"You're right. We'll see."

Jasmine came to the hospital, a large, gray and white building on the edge of the city. On the other side of one of the streets that surrounded it was the place her father had told her: a typical diner called "The Refuge". From the windows she could see her mother working at the counter. Evidently they had already begun to see how good she was for this job. She smiled at everyone, she seemed to be doing pretty well. Jasmine did not want to disturb her, and as the morning was over, she decided to go back home. Little outside the town she found a small supermarket. The building was entirely of wood and looked quite old. A rather rustic spot, like the ones she had seen in the films series. Jasmine thought that the sign was very beautiful. Also of wood, it was a painting of the lake and on it was written "Crystal Lake Mini Market". Outside there was a shabby phone booth and a couple of automatic dispensers. Some signs announced discounts on the inside and the presence of cheap gadgets that convinced her to go in for a look. In any case, she would have to buy somethings,so she did not see the reason to postpone.

Inside she found two ladies: a middle-aged behind the counter and an elderly sitting in a chair, chatting with the first one.

"Good morning." she said, and the two ladies returned.

"I'm sorry dear, but your dog have to wait outside." The younger woman said to her.

"Oh ...all right" So Jasmine tied Finn out, near the bike. "Watch it, okay?" Then she went back, took a basket, and began to take whatever she needed. After that, she went to a showcase dedicated to the Friday the 13th gadgets and could not really avoid looking at all that was available. From keychains, to masks, to fake bloody machetes, there was nothing missing.

"Are you looking for something particularly dear?" The lady behind the counter asked.

"Uh? No, I was just looking."

"I've never seen you here. Are you on vacation with someone?"

"No, to tell the truth, I've just moved here with my parents." Jasmine snorted mentally. The last thing she wanted was to talk about her own facts with probable gossip.

"Oh! Really? And why?"

"My dad is a doctor and he was moved here ..." she tried to be as gentle as possible.

"Very well. We always need good doctors here."

"You should have gone somewhere else. The new people here always bring trouble." said the old lady, with a gloomy look.

"Do not say that Dolores, you can clearly see that this is a good girl." The woman smiled at her. "Do it with ease, ask if you need something. Did you want to take one of those souvenirs? I'm sure your friends would like to have something from here, you would make a nice figure."

Jasmine took the opportunity immediately. "Yes, I actually have a friend who would be happy to have a necklace like that. Can I take one?".

"Of course, dear! Only one?"

"Yes, for the moment I'll just take that one. Surely I will take something else in the future."

"Very well, I'll take for you one then." The lady left her position to go to the backroom. So Jasmine was alone with the old woman with the gloomy look that made her very uncomfortable.

"Beware. He wants to be left alone." She told her.

A shudder went back through the young girl's back. "And I will not disturb him." She responded coldly, looking at the lady straight in her eyes. When she wanted she knew how to be quite sharp.

The other lady came back, made her pay, handed her the necklace and helped her pack everything else.

Jasmine returned to her bike and Finn. She put everything in the rack and tied the dog back to the handlebars. She wanted to get away from that place as soon as possible. The old woman had make her nervous.

Her home was not too far away and she came shortly to her destination. She went into the house and arranged everything she had taken, then prepared to eat. She went to the bathroom to wash her hands and then stopped to look at the necklace she had bought. For her and not for her friend of course. However, having to stay at Crystal Lake, she wanted to make a good impression on people and not arouse suspicion, for this she had lied. The necklace was a simple chain with a silver hockey mask as a pendant. It was very similar to the original, it also had the crack at the top. She turned it in her hands, studying it carefully, then returned to the kitchen, and fed Finn. She did not have much desire to cook, so she prepared a couple of sandwiches and then ate a chocolate donut bought at the mini market.

After lunch she relaxed on the sofa of the living room watching for a while the TV, until Finn did not start to disturb her to do their classic walk.

"It was not enough to you to be out all morning? Okay, let's go." She put the leash back on him and came out again. They almost came to the lake when they started to hear full-volume music. Jasmine was initially astonished, then angry. Other fools come to disturb Jason and the stillness of the forest, believing to be the owner. She hastened and, following one of the trails hidden in the vegetation, came close to where the music came from. She looked out from behind a hedge, careful not to show too much herself. On the shore of the lake, on a small beach, two girls had set up an orange camping tent. They probably had arrived that morning and had already made a disaster. There were beer cans scattered everywhere, Jasmine could see it from there, packets of chips, plastic and glass bottles and clothes. Yeah, clothes. The two girls were in the water, completely naked, singing and joking. It had just passed the 15 and the two were already drunk. Jasmine wanted to give both a good lesson. But there was no need for it.

Right at that moment, a big figure emerged out of the water behind the blond girl. He grabbed her head before the two could notice him and dragged her down to the deep of the lake, drowning her. Jasmine was scared this time, she did not know what to think. She was really looking at Jason in action! The second girl, the brunette, began screaming, trying to get out of the water as soon as possible. She swam to the shore in a confused way, terrified. Jason came out of the water and shortly reached the girl who was trying to shelter in the tent. "Really?" Jasmine thought. "Jason chases you and you try to slip into a tent?". Jason grabbed her hair, with the machete ready to hit, and dragged her back with a tug. It was at that moment that the girl saw Jasmine. She began to scream even more than before, asking for help in her direction and always at that time Finn started barking.

Jason looked away from his victim, looking at where the barking came. The new girl, Jasmine, was there, not too far away, watching the scene. For the second time he met her gaze, but this time fear was clearly evident in her expression. The girl tried to get rid of his grip, without success obviously. He generally liked to hear his victims shouting and begging for mercy, but she had a tone of voice too high, really hateful. He lifted the girl a little bit more, pulled her away slightly from him, stretching his arm and thrusted the machete in her stomach, passing her from side to side. He pulled it out and thrusted it again, at the chest height, then moved it down, joining the two wounds into a single one. And while he did this, he assured the girl not too far away attend to everything. Did she want to look? Well, it would have served her as a warning.

Jasmine could not move. She knew she had to do it, but it was like a strange force prevented her. So this was what it meant to be paralyzed by fear? Jason pulled back the machete from the lifeless body of the girl, who fell to the ground with a thud, and turned to stare at her, motionless if it had not been for his big shoulders moving at the rhythm of his breath. Jasmine had seen that expression so many times in the movies. It was one that meant "I'm coming to get you." He kicked aside the body of the girl, not paying more attention to it, and began to move fast towards Jasmine. A rush of adrenaline flooded her and finally she was able to move. She took a few steps back without pulling his eyes off Jason, then turned and ran with all her might towards her house, followed by Finn.

Once in front of the door they entered and she made sure to shut the main and the back door with the keys. Finn continued to bark, agitated. Jasmine stood motionless in front of the door. She had already imagined that Jason would throw it down as if it were made of cardboard, as in the movies. But that was reality, not fiction. Knock down a door was not so easy even for him, did it?

Jasmine could swear she had heard her heartbeat stop when powerful hit echoed through the door, vibrating the one and the windows beside her.

Jason was there.

A / N

Hello everyone!

I know, I said I would do shorter chapters, but really I could not keep my word with this XD

Jasmine seems to be in trouble this time ...

Let me know what you think of the story, I really hope you like it.

The mini market I talk about is inspired by the one that is seen at the beginning of the third film of the saga, the one of the image. Of course, however, the lady inside it is not the same XD The place has changed management.

See you soon!

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