Chapter 5

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When we were outside the headquarters, Bee made Shane a card with his picture on it to look like he was someone who worked there. Me, Shane and Cade all got in Bee, while Tessa was with the others.

Le Time Skip (when you are in the headquarters)

When we were inside there was a model of a big robot looking like Bee, I watched the panels around us and saw that its name is Stinger and also its a remake of Bee. Oh No.

Of course Shane had to make a snarky remark and got himself strangled by Bee. Cade left to go look at something in the other rooms, Bee got pretty annoyed so decided to knock over the model, Shane was freaking out while I was laughing my head off. Then a group of people came and Bee had already transformed in his vehicle form, I quickly snuck In Bee so no one could see me.

" I told you, can't touch this " Bee played through the radio.

I couldn't stop laughing, but I got a death glare from Shane. I decided to get out of Bee and find Cade, when I did he was getting chased by men, then all of a sudden I felt a hand grab my arm, I turned round and saw it was one of the men who was getting Cade, I tried to hit the man but another man grabbed my other arm.

"CADE" I yelled.

Cade was caught too, we ended up being dragged into an elevator and then a room that looked like a meeting room. We got pushed into a chair.

" Tell us where Optimus Prime is" he said to us in a stern tone.

"We will never tell you" I said

" Fine " the man said to us.

Someone from behind me put a gun to my head, I was shaking but tried not to show it.

" I'm going to ask one more time, where is he?" he asked

"DONT TELL HIM CADE" I shouted from the top of my lungs'

Suddenly the glass behind us smashed and I saw Bee and Drift, we jumped on them but I got shot in the arm, I held my arm so I wouldn't bleed.

We then got taken to the lab, where Optimus was, he was shouting at a man I think called Joshua, Optimus turned around and saw me holding my arm, his optics got wider, he then picked me up and put me on his shoulder, I then saw at the corner of my eye Ratchet but only his head, this made me furious.

"THEY ARE NOT YOUR PROPERTY, THEY WERE OUR FRIENDS" I shouted still holding my arm.

After I shouted all I could here was mumbles because i went dizzy from the head rush. Then I heard Optimus say 'Autobots we are done'. We all walked out of the headquarters with me still on Optimus' shoulder, he then transformed into his truck, and let me just say it was amazing. Everyone else got in a vehicle. Then I felt the seatbelt wrap around me and fastening me in. Then it tightened on me one more time like a hug so I stroked the seatbelt. I giggled because the dash board got hot.

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter, I smiled at the end, I will update soon don't worry.

Love you all. XOXO

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