A Meeting

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The couch caved under the pressure of my body as I laid down. 

"Yah! Get up [SN]! We have to go over to the main building," Super scolded as he tried to pull me off.

"Do we have to?" I asked as he dropped my legs onto the floor. "Ow!"

"Yes, we have to," Super said as I reluctantly stood up. I brushed my hair out of my face and walked over towards the door. 

"Can someone give me a piggy-back ride?" Mini said as he rubbed his eyes. I chuckled and bent down. 

"Hop on, dork," He walked over and hopped onto my back. Mini rested his head on my shoulder and I pulled on my shoes. 

"Lion hyung! Joohyun hyung! Get out here," Super shouted into the hallway where the rooms were. 

"Coming!" Lion yelled as he ran out. His hair was perfectly brushed and his shirt flopped on his shoulders. But, something was missing. 

"Hyung, where are your pants?" I asked him as I examined his bare legs. Luckily, he at least had boxers on. His face went bright red and he turned on his heel. 

"Oops," He ran back into the hallway. "Don't leave without me!"

"Joohyun hyung! What is taking you so long?" Super shouted in the hallway again. 

"I'm old. Plus, this beauty takes time," Joohyun said as he walked into the main room. I rolled my eyes and he looked at me. 

"Is Mini seriously sleeping on your back again," He asked. I shrugged and he grabbed his shoes. 

"This is common, don't be so surprised," I said as I patted him on the shoulder. I moved my hand back to holding Mini's leg. 

Mini's bright blonde hair brushed up against my neck slightly and his chest moved up and down on my back. Yep. Definitely asleep. 

"I'm back!" Lion yelled as he slid into the main room. His orange hair flopped into his eyes and he blew it out. 

"Alright, everyone is here. Get your shoes on! Manager-nim Somin is going to text me when she's here. She has breakfast and she'll drive us over," Super informed us as Lion walked over to put on his shoes. 

"Joohyun hyung, can you put Mini hyung's shoes on him?" I asked as Joohyun walked over. 

"Sure," He grabbed a pair of sneakers and pushed them onto Mini's feet. 

"Alright, Somin noona is here. Let's go," Super opened the door and we all walked out. We hopped into the van and I placed Mini in the back seat. 

"Alrighty! Super?" Somin asked as Super buckled himself in next to her. He looked over at her and she passed him a bag. 

"Pass out the breakfasts while I  brief everyone," Super nodded and unloaded the bag. He began to pass back containers and Somin started the car. 

"All right. So, PD-nim is waiting for us in the conference room. He says he has some news about the dorms," Somin began as I received my breakfast. 

I nudged Mini and he woke up. 

"Breakfast," I whispered as I handed him his. He nodded and began to eat. 

"He said that BTS will also be there. I'm not sure what's up, but I do know that you guys CANNOT be overbearing with them. Okay? Control the inner fanboy," She informed us. I smiled widely. 

BTS have always been my idols. I mean, they're basically the most world renowned kpop group. They won at the BBMAs for christ's sake. 

"[N], I see that smile," Somin teased. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 

"Am I not allowed to be happy?" I poked. 

"No, you are. But, I know how crazy you are," I chuckled as she pulled into the building's driveway. She parked the car and turned back to us. 

Eyebrows raised, she spoke clearly, "Let's go."


"Take a seat, boys," PD-nim sat at his desk and looked at his watch. 

"Why exactly are we here?" I asked. I got slapped on the shoulder by Joohyun.  

"Be respectful," He whispered. PD-nim chuckled. 

"Joohyun,  you all know me. Formal speak is not needed," Joohyun nodded and I stuck my tongue out at him. 

He slapped me on the back of the head, "Yah! Respect your elders!" 

"Sorry," I spoke sheepishly. PD-nim chuckled and I brought my attention back to him. 

"Alright, the meeting will begin once-" He was cut off by the door bursting open. 

"Sorry, we're late. Joon broke a vase so we had to clean it up," Suga spoke as he walked in next to Jin. 

"Ah, well, take a seat," PD-nim pointed to the chairs next to us and they sat down. 

"What did you want to discuss?" Rap Monster asked. I couldn't help but stare at all of them. I mean, BT freaking S was standing- er, sitting, right next to me! 

I was broken from my daze when Joohyun shoved me. I looked back at PD-nim and he cleared his throat. 

"I have decided that since you guys are under the same company, you should get to know each other. I don't mean hang out every so often, I mean live together," My eyes widened at his words. 

I, [N] [LN], would get to live with BTS? OMG! Alright, calm down. 

"Also, it'll be easier to keep track of you all this way," He shrugged. I nodded and Super and Namjoon spoke at the same time. 

"When are we moving?" They looked at each other and chuckled. Leaders think alike I guess. 

"All of you will be leaving the current dorm your in with all of your things in two days. Until then, you'll be packing and what not," He stood up and motioned for us to do the same. 

"Off with you now," We all stood up and began to leave.  "Oh! Light, you guys are needed in the practice room." We nodded and walked out. When we exited, all of BTS was standing there smiling at us. 

"Well, new roomies. Let's introduce ourselves." 

Longing // Taehyung x Idol Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now