Terry ran out to see to Will, and Ben pointed the gun straight between her eyes, all the while keeping knife on Amanda. Amanda knew if she tried to bring him down right now, he’d probably kill her. “I don’t think so, lady. Gimme your gun and get inside.”

“He’ll bleed out if I don’t see to it. You’re gonna have to shoot me before I won’t help him. He’s my brother, and I’m a nurse. You did what you wanted; he’s incapacitated. Now, I’m gonna do my job!”

Ben just snarled and growled at her. “Keep moving, cop. I’ve gotta rendezvous with my girl!”

. . . . .

Matt, and Adam were in the kitchen; Renee was in the living room. They blocked the access to where she was.

Ben gave a gnarled and evil grin, and said, “I can shoot my way through, or you can move; your choice.” He held the gun to Amanda’s head. They wanted to protect Renee but didn’t want to lose Amanda, either. Having Will’s injury barely taken care of, Terry walked inside and reached for her gun. “I wouldn’t do that ma’am. You don’t wanna die today,” Ben said in an eerily quiet tone. “If you were a man, I would’ve shot you first then warned you. All of you put your guns on the floor. DO IT NOW!”

Ben shoved Amanda into the group. “Renee, honey, how are you? I’ve been waiting for you. Put that gun away, silly girl.”

He grabbed her and dragged her outside towards the suburban, pointing his gun towards anyone who might try to stop him. He flung her into the car. “I’ll be right back.”

Suddenly, two gunshots were heard from inside the house.

Ben came out, with duct tape keeping Adam’s mouth and hands bound, at gunpoint.

Relief flooded her when she saw him. He might be bound, but he was alive. She was worried for Terry, Matt and Amanda. Then she noticed Ben limping. Hopefully they were alright.

Renee had managed to hide the gun she’d found in the glove box under her dress.

Then he threw Adam in the back of the Suburban and Adam’s head hit against the window with a sickening thud. “We’re going on a little ride, back to your house, Renee.” He grinned with a look that sent shivers through her body and soul, and nailed her to her seat.

Ten minutes after leaving the safe house, Renee tried to climb to the back to see about Adam’s injury; Ben yanked her hair, which only added to the building pain in her head. “Ben, he’s hurt. You know I have to take care of it. It’s what I do best. Please, let me check on him at least?” Her resolve to remain calm was waning fast as she began to really worry if Adam was alright.

“No!” She thought maybe appealing to his own wounds would soften him a little. “Do you want me to look at your leg? I can probably bandage it up. You might lose too much blood if you don’t get it taken care of soon.”

“When we get there, you will do that for me, and so much more.” The urge to throw up almost overwhelmed her, and she felt her stomach begin to revolt. She couldn’t remember the last time she ate.

She rode the rest of the horrific trip in silence, except for her tears. She turned herself so she could see Adam. He’d fallen into an unconscious sleep.

As they pulled into her driveway, and her garage, a sense of doom and dread engulfed her, but she was determined to stand her ground and make sure he never bothered her again!

She hoped Ned and Larry heard her screaming to them to help. Ben back handed her, and she tasted her own blood, as he closed the garage door. He shook Adam awake, and forced him to stumble into Renee’s house. He continued to walk them through the house all the way to her room at gunpoint. He shoved her on the bed, but forced Adam to the floor.

When he spoke, Adam’s blood boiled. “You make a lovely couple, except for one little overlooked fact. SHE’S MINE! Now, Adam, the best part of my day: I get to take my woman back, and you get to watch me do it. Then, I’m going to kill both of you.”

Renee swallowed the vomit trying to escape. Ben was sicker than she thought. He would not humiliate her in such a way ever again. Reminded of the firearm, she winked at Adam while Ben’s back was turned. He didn’t understand, but he would soon.

. . . . .

Larry had heard Renee’s voice, and went out in time to see a white vehicle in her garage. He dialed 911 and let them know where she was and that Ben had her captive. He didn’t know Adam was with her.

. . . . .

Matt and Terry sent Will off in the ambulance for the second time in as many days. Amanda was seated on the couch, and scared to death. Adam had been so good to her after Dan had died, and she was not about to lose her brother. Joe and the D.C. Team left as soon as they pulled up and saw the suburban driving away.

Terry was beside herself with worry as well. She’d been to combat with Hart, and he was as much a brother to her as her own flesh-and-blood siblings. “Let’s go! I can’t stand by and watch him kill Hart and do God-knows-what to his new wife.” Matt nodded, the keys jingling in his hand before her words were out. Amanda jumped up and ran outside in front of them. They retrieved their weapons and left. Matt sped down the highway. He’d make a forty-five minute drive into a twenty if he needed to. The ladies just buckled and held on for dear life.

. . . . .

Ben turned to Renee.  “I love you. I wanted to love you. You chose another man. Now you have to die too. It makes this only a little sweeter forcing him to watch me make love to you before you die.”

Renee’s fear subsided in the wake of her fierce anger and tenacity. “You lie! You said that before, and look what you’ve done since. That’s not love. Don’t talk all sweet to me now. You and I are finished. Got it!?” Pulling the gun she’d acquired from the SUV, she aimed her weapon at his head.  “You can walk out right now and I won’t shoot you, but take another step and you’ll find out that in the Army I became stronger and smarter, and that included becoming an expert shooter. I don’t miss. EVER! Now, put your gun down, and get on your knees.”

He put his gun on the floor, and hands in the air, and knelt down. Ben twisted a grin that made her stomach lurch. “Gladly, my sweet!” Her gut threatened to empty on him.

Not removing her aimed sights from him, she tried to gently remove the duct tape from her husband’s mouth and hands. Adam’s first words shocked her.

 “Ren, don’t do it. Not like this. He wins if you kill him. He wins. You don’t want him to win. You’re tougher than that. You save lives, not take them.”

Renee’s firmness was crumbling. She turned to Ben, tears in her eyes, and said in a slow and quiet yet enraged tone, “You took my life away from me over and over again. I have every reason to kill you. But, Adam’s right. I won’t give you the satisfaction of bringing me to your filthy level,” she spat out as she lowered her gun, “but I will hold you until the police arrive.”

With a sudden swing, Ben grabbed his gun off the floor, pointed it at Adam’s heart and pulled the trigger.

“NO! NO! NO!” Renee’s scream grew progressively louder until it was at the top of her lungs. 

She didn’t say anything else. She fainted.

. . . . .

Unbeknownst to Ben, six people were standing behind him, all aiming their weapons at his person. Max spoke. “Jenkins. You might wanna put that gun down.” Ben jumped at the unexpected company speaking to him.

“And why is that?” He sniped. He just smiled. Ben pointed his gun towards Renee and another shot rang out.

“Joe, thank God!” Matt said running into the room as Ben’s body slumped to the floor. The bullet had pierced his heart.

“I told you we’d get him.” Joe said with a straight face.

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Where stories live. Discover now