17. Disappointment and Wanting Out

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Chapter 17 ~ Disappointment and Wanting Out

(back to mashiros pov)

I sunk my teeth into the sandwich and bit off a piece, expecting to taste the sweet bitterness of raisins and the saltiness of peanut butter, but was severely disappointed.

Instead, a dirty, goopy, and fishy flavour filled my mouth. It was as though i had eaten the bottom of a lake. Even though the smell of peanut butter dominated the sandwich, i couldn't taste a single hint of the nutty spread.

I swallowed the mouthful, trying not to gag. Kiara and brittany watched me intently, so to be polite, i took another bite. This one was worse than the other. I went to put the sandwich down, but kiana shook her head vigorously.

"You need to eat food! Have at least half the sandwich!" she instructed forcefully.

I took in a deep breath and shoved as much of the sandwich as I could in my mouth. The grimy peanut butter stuck to the roof of my mouth and my tongue, and the raisins made me gag. I forced myself to finish most of the sandwich, but had to put it down before I made myself sick. I didn't remember peanut butter raisin sandwiches tasting this awful.

I shook my head at at kiara, wincing as the taste lingered in my mouth.

"You don't like it?" she asked, trying to keep a straight face.

Brittany's face formed into a tight grimace, as though she had sucked on a lemon.

I shook my head again, fighting the urge to throw everything back up.

"Hm. Maybe it wasn't peanut butter and raisins then" she sighed dramatically.

Curiosity began to eat at me, so I peeled open the remainder of the sandwich. Whatever was in there did not look like peanut butter and raisins. The spread was all grimy and had grains of 'something' all through it. The lumps on top of the spread, which I thought were raisins, were all dry and crackled. I picked one off the sandwich and smelt it. It stunk of fish.

For some reason, I felt like kiara gave me this gross sandwich on purpose. I wanted to get away from her, but I wanted a hug at the same time. I felt miserable.

Standing up on shaky legs, and using the wall to guide me, I stumbled out of their room and made my way over to mine. The shattered glass covered most of the floor, and was all over my bed. I sat on one of the other free beds and lay my head on the unused pillow. A breeze entered through the gaping hole in the window and I closed my eyes.


"Mashiro? Are you in here?" a panicked voice called out to me.

Using all my strength, I forced my eyes open. Groggy, I tried to sit up, but my muscles didn't seem to want to listen to me. I tried again, and managed to sit up, leaning against my pillow for support.

Brittany dashed into the room and ran to my side.

"Mashiro? Are you okay?" she questioned anxiously.

I couldn't nod or shake my head. No part of my body responded.

Instead, I looked at her with frightened eyes. What the hell was going on?

"Kiara get in here right now!" Brittany shouted urgently.

"What's your problem" she sighed as she strolled irritatedly into the room.

"What the hell did you put in that sandwich?!" Brittany yelled.

"Just some bridion. What does it matter to you?" Kiara shrugged, annoyance flashing on her face.

"Bridion?! Kiara do you even know what that is?" Brittany cried, her voice going up an octave

"Yeah it's to temporarily paralyze her so she doesn't kick up a fuss. Seriously, stop making such a big deal!" Kiara hissed back.

"I want out" Brittany deadpanned, squaring her shoulders at Kiara.

What did paralyze mean? Why did Kiara want to do this to me? Is this why I can't move? And what did Brittany mean when she said she wanted out?

Tears began to form in the corner of my eyes.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Kiara said in a low warning tone.

"I want out! We're only 13 Kiara! She's only 8! I don't want to do this anymore!" she cried, tears welling up in her eyes too.

"So you've grown feelings for the mutt? How pathetic" she growled out.

Then she reached down and picked up a wooden rod, and bringing her arm back, she swung it at Brittany's head.

She stumbled back, then fell to the floor with a thud. 

thanks for reading guys!

i hope you enjoyed it


~amity  /(=^ x ^=)\

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