2. Sometwo Strange

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Chapter 2 ~ Sometwo Strange 

Footsteps clomped through the empty wooden hall.

"Child are you alright?" someone asked in a kind voice as they approached.

"Yes" I sniffled, looking up.

Joy, a nurse, and the only nice woman in the whole building I was living at, looked down at me with concern.

"Do you want me to help you to your room?" she said gently.

"No" I whispered a reply.

"Okay honey. Call me if you need me okay?" she told me, before hurrying away.

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and touched my hair. It was cut messily, and fell just above my shoulders. I still had a fringe but my long silver hair was gone. I glared at the pile of hair beside me and angrily scooped it up. I stood up and ran for my room.

Slamming the door and diving onto my bed, I began to whimper, tears trailing down my face.

Why was everybody so mean to me?

Ever since I came to this orphanage at the age of three, people had thrown rude and hurtful words at me.

I clutched my hair to my chest and looked out the big open window beside my bed.

Children were running around playing sports outside. The sun was still rising and a cool breeze entered my room.

The room I was staying in was quite large, and had two other beds in it. I had no roommates though, because no-one wanted to be near me or have to share a space with me. I couldn't remember the last time I had a positive conversation with someone my age.

Just then, my bedroom door swung open and two girls strutted in.

"H-hello?" I asked timidly.

Besides Joy, no-one ever came into my room.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" one of them gushed as she ran over to the side of my bed and tackled me into a hug. I let out a nervous squeal and pushed her off me with all my might. What were those girls doing in my room? Did they come to steal from me?

The other one walked over to stand beside her friend and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Hi, sorry if we startled you. I'm Brittany and this is Kiara" Brittany told me, nodding her head quickly.

"And so you're wolfie right?" Kiara asked in a pointy voice.

Wolfie? Was that even a name?

I shook my head hesitantly.

"No my nam-"

"Perfect! Wolfie it is!" Kiara grinned.

"Uh-um-" I began, not really knowing what to say. These two girls seemed much older than me, and I just didn't understand why they would want to be near me, let alone be in my room.

But my questions got quickly answered.

"Hey... so we were just coming in to check on you... you know about what just happened earlier?" Brittany told me.

"Oh" I forced out, still clinging onto my hair.

I was still waiting for them to start making fun of me, or hit me.

"We're really sorry we didn't stop it... we're just kind of intimidated by those boys" she sighed.

I cocked my head in confusion.

She... was apologizing to me?

"Yeah we really wanted to stand up for you," Kiara added. "So... you okay?"

"Fine" I muttered inaudibly.

"I can't hear you love!" Kiara practically shrieked in my ear.

"I-i'm fine" I mumble, lowering my eyes.

Kiara scared me. She seemed very forceful and demanding.

She seemed like the type of girl to always get what she wanted.

She had long blond hair, that had fading platinum streaks in it, which rested against her neck in a very high ponytail. She seemed to be wearing lots of makeup because her skin looked bold and oily. Almost all her facial features were pointy and she had a mean glint in her dramatic hazel eyes. Kiara was a short pale girl that was as thin as a toothpick, and held many bracelets on her twig-like wrists.

Brittany, on the other hand, I wasn't quite sure of.

She seemed like she was trying to care for me, but i'd seen her laugh at me from the crowds plenty of times.

Brittany's hair was very long. It was so long it touched her bottom. It was dark brown, and very straight. She, too, seemed to be wearing a lot of makeup, but instead of wearing colours like blue and hot pink, she wore colours like gold and dark red, which seemed to suit her skin tone more. Her skin was a warm almond colour and her features were more relaxed. While she didn't have the same mean look in her eyes, I noticed something that set me on alert. Brittany was a head taller than Kiara and she wasn't anywhere near as boney.

"So. whatcha doin?" Kiara asked me loudly.

"Nothing" I tell them as I place down the hair and turn to face them.

"Wanna do something with us?" she says, raising her eyebrows as if daring me to challenge her.

"We could play dressups, dolls, or colour in- what other things do girls your age like to do"

"I don't know" I said quietly.

I didn't want to play with them, especially Kiara. I didn't trust them fully, especially her. I took a look at Brittany for support, but she was nodding her head eagerly.

"Colouring in sounds nice" I murmured in defeat.

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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