14. A Whole Day With Us

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Chapter 14 ~ A Whole Day With Us

I pulled open my curtains to reveal the bright morning sun. It was around 10am and from my view of the playground I could see all the other orphans running around and having fun. My brows creased together as I took note of aaron strolling out from the edge of the forest. Besides his clothes looking dirty and torn, he seemed rather casual. I watched as he walked over to the rusty metal gate and gave it a tug. When it wouldn't give, he reached up, and effortlessly swung himself over into the playground. Sean and thomas, who were seated on top of the roof of the play equipment, shouted over at him to join them. He began making his way over to them but then stopped mid stride. I watched as his body went ridged and his breathing seemed to stop. He snapped his neck up to my window and glared at me with deep hatred. I ducked down from his line of sight in fright, and seconds later, a rock came flying through my window, shattering it to pieces. Glass fell and crumbled all over me, and it took me a second to realise what had just happened.

I tried to scream but no sound came from my mouth. My bedroom door burst open, revealing a worried Joy, and a furious Ms Litch. From behind her massive waist, peeked out Kiara and Brittany.

"Mashiro are you alright?" Joy whispered with wide eyes.

I went to nod, but Ms Litch shoved Joy out of the way and stormed over to me. Her heels crunched the glass shattered all over the ground.

"You useless little wench! How DARE you break my window!" she growled.

I began to shake with fear as she reached her pudgy hand down and grabbed onto the collar of my shirt, hoisting me up. I felt her hot, rancid breath against my cheek and gagged.

"You pullin faces at me, mutt?!" she screamed.

Terror grew in my chest as I shook my head rapidly. Ms Litch squinted her eyes, took in a deep breath and then directed her gaze back onto me. Instead of the fury her face once held, it now reflected a glint of murderous evil.

"Now, now. What am I going to do with you, hm?" she drawled out, venom dripping from her voice. "It's not like I can leave you alone, I'm sure you'll smash something valuable again, and end up putting me further in debt."

I began to tremble uncontrollably. I had never seen her this calm. It was more frightening than anything I could imagine.

"Ah I know. Remember that room you were in a few days ago, Misho?"

My heart dropped. All the blood began to drain from my face and my breath caught in my chest.

"Why so pale, Misho? Don't you like that idea?"

I couldn't even blink. I was frozen in complete and utter fear. Just when I thought my life was over, Brittany spoke.

"Ms Litch!" she cried out desperately. "If you would like, Kiara and I could watch her for today!"

"Yeah, we'd make sure she didn't get into any trouble!" Kiara exclaimed.

But Ms Litch just snorted.

"That's preposterous! Why would I make you deal with this pathetic excuse of a wench for a whole day? Even an hour in my room would sort her out. Wouldn't you agree, Britt?"

With this, Brittany shrunk behind Kiara and squeaked.

"Hm. Thought so" Ms Litch laughed.

"Actually, I agree with the girls on this one, ma'am" Joy butted in. "You deserve a break, and I think your room needs maintenance?"

"Ugh WHATEVER" she screamed, losing her cool once again. Dropping me back onto the pile of shattered glass, she stormed out of the room. Once the sound of her angry high heels finally faded away, I dared to get up. I peeked out of the window to see aaron shaking his head and laughing up at me. I shrunk shamefully away from it and began to brush some of the shards of glass off my shirt.


"Squee!" Kiara squealed. "You get to spend the whole day with us!"

I nodded my head absentmindedly, still trying to pull glass shards from my hair. My knees and back were cut and bleeding, but Joy thankfully managed to get all the glass out of my wounds.

"Here, let me help" Brittany said, climbing off her bed and tangling her fingers into my hair.

"Wow you have like the whole window in your hair Mashiro!" she exclaimed, stepping back.

I shook my hair and sparkling shards rained down from it.

"I have an idea! I'll give your hair a makeover. How does that sound, Wolfie?" Kiara shrieked, excitement building up in the air around her.

I gave her a shrug, then allowed her to usher me over to a chair in front of the mirror.

"Now, choose one of these so I can put it in your hair once I've finished!" she told me, shoving five different coloured ribbons in my face.

I pointed to the light pink one, causing her to grin.

"I knew you'd pick that one!" she laughed, and put them down on her bed. In the reflection of the mirror, I saw her reach and grab for a pair of scissors. From where she was standing behind be, I saw Brittany squirm nervously, obviously not liking this idea. I think Kiara noticed this too, because she smirked in Brittany's direction.

"Actually Wolfie, I just remembered. I'm not really good at doing hair. But I know Brittany is! Here you go, Britt, give Wolfie a haircut would you?" Kiara sneered, forcing the pair of scissors into Brittany's hands.

Visibly gulping, she accepted them, picked up a comb, and walked over to me. She began combing my hair, and I watched in shock as glass began to collect in piles around my feet.

"Holy crap, Wolfie, how much glass do you have in your hair!" Kiara exclaimed.

Soon Brittany had finished brushing my hair, and not a shard of glass remained in it. It felt silky smooth and fell unevenly at my shoulders.

"Okay Britt, show Wolfie here how great you are at cutting hair." Kiara laughed.

Taking in a deep breath, Brittany raised the scissors, and began snipping away my hair. Strands of silver floated to the ground around me. I smiled at my reflection as my hair became leveled.

Brittany seemed pleased with her work too, and as she was about to finish the last snip, Kiara ran over to her and shoved her to the ground.

I squealed in pain as the sharp scissor blades ran across the back of my neck.

"I'm so sorry Britt! I tripped!" she exclaimed apologetically.

But I didn't miss the evil glint in her eyes.

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