Scarlett's Falling

Start from the beginning

Pulling up at the house, I had all intentions of going in and feeling sorry for myself with Gracie at my side. But as Cece put the car in park the front door opened and Zak appeared causing my throat to thicken.

"Well I'm off to the museum now." Cece stated giving me a subtle hint that I had to get out.

"Do you need hel-"

"Get out the car Scarlett."

I huffed at her before thanking her for taking me to the hospital and eventually pulled myself out the car.

With my head hung low, I walked to the front door to meet him.

"You're back." I spoke looking up at him.

"I do live here."

Nodding  I casually looked behind me hoping Cece was still around, perhaps I could maybe organise the dust... or something. My eyes scanned the street to see that she had gone.

"Are you coming in?" He asked making me look back to him.

"Yes please."

Zak turned walking through the door and waited for me, carefully I made my way in and down the hall as he shut the front door to follow me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as I sat down.

"Sore. How are you?"

"Okay. How did you slip?" He questioned.

"Shampoo, I must have used too much and slipped on the excess."

"You look tired." He added watching my reaction as I shifted in the seat.

"Well I haven't slept much."

"How come?"

I looked up at him wanting to know what game he was playing, what play field were we on?

"Because I was a bitch to you before you went. I left you a shitty note and expected you to be okay with it, when in fact I wasn't okay with it myself."

"So why leave it?"

Good question!

"Because I'm an idiot, a fool, and I was scared... Scared that, that goodbye would be our last if you decided that whilst you were on lockdown, that you didn't want me after all. I couldn't stomach the idea and because of it I left."

His brows pulled listening to my shitty excuse. Because in truth that's what it was. A shitty excuse.

"So you scarpered so I couldn't break up with you?"

I nodded.

"It's never even crossed my mind. But what has is the lack of trust you must have in me. I had no intention of coming back here and telling you I can't do this, because it's what I want. You, me, Avari and Gracie."

"I know.."

"If you know then why run?"

I shrugged "Same reason you didn't return any of my calls and always hung up after saying goodnight to Avari.."

"I was kinda hurt, Scarlett."

"And I was scared, and I'm sorry." I answered as he rubbed his forehead "And I do trust you."

"You don't."

"I do. I do trust you."

"So if I said I met up with a girl..."

I felt my heart stop in my chest for a few seconds before I reminded myself to breathe again.

"It's okay. I-"

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