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Some people thought it was weird that Reina and Kumiko turned out to be good friends. They started walking to school together and back to home. Kumiko had been working hard to get by with her school work and completed her make-up tests.

Of course the day would've come for Kumiko to invite Reina over to her house.

"So you live in a flat?" Reina curiously asked. Kumiko nodded. "Yeah, sometimes it feels a bit cramped but since my sister moved out we have more space."

Reina only hummed as reply.

Kumiko studied the girl from the eye of her corner. She was really hot. Perhaps her type was just dark-haired?

"Is your sister a lot older than you?" Reina then asked. Kumiko pursed her lips as she thought. "We are a few years apart yeah. Why you asking?" Reina shrugged. "I'm an only child so I was just wondering how it's like to have siblings."

Kumiko made an ugly face. "It's a pest to have to share the bathroom with my sister. I'm glad she moved out."

The dark-haired grinned. "I see."

Once more Kumiko thought that Reina could really be cute. At school she seemed hard to approach but when she was with Kumiko, she acted much more relaxed.

"Ah, it's over there." Kumiko then said as she pointed towards the building she lived. Reina walked close to her and said nothing, simply followed.

Kumiko pulled out her key and entered the building. "Wanna take the stairs or elevator?"

Reina pointed at the elevator. "Spoiled child." Kumiko chuckled. "I am not!" Reina said indignant.

They took the elevator anyway.

When they reached the right floor, Kumiko went ahead. She had cleaned her room up before she went to school so she should be safe.

She opened the door with another key and let Reina go in first.

The first red flag were the shoes she vaguely recognized. Reina had already entered and was slipping out of her shoes.

The door on the other end of the hallway opened and there was Mamiko. "Ohh, Kumiko! You have a friend!" the older girl exclaimed.

Reina looked over at Kumiko with a questioned expression.

"You better leave us alone Mamiko!" Kumiko yelled back as she pulled Reina with her to her room.

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