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Kumiko didn't even bother to put on her uniform. She hadn't worn it for a while, so why wear it now?

Her mother had shook her head with disgrace but was happy that her daughter decided to leave the house. The last time she had was probably two weeks ago, when her sister forced her to go shopping for new summer clothing.

She had forgotten that summer was now in its full glory and was greeted with a wave of heat as soon as she opened the front door.

The brunette was ready to turn back right that moment but her mother had closed the door and locked it behind her. She could hear the faint sobbing of the woman.

Kumiko knew damn well that she wasn't being fair to anyone. But it seemed so simple, "Just move on! Meet new people, it'll do you good!" It was hard as hell and Kumiko just couldn't let go of her precious Azusa.

Her breathing became louder the longer she walked. Her condition wasn't as strong as it used to be. She didn't practice her Euph and didn't move a lot so it made sense.

She felt people stare at her as she sat down on a seat in the train. It was probably a weird thing to see, a high-school girl without her uniform or bag in a terrible state.

Kumiko wondered when she had some good night rest for the last time. Perhaps a week before Azusa was officially laid to rest in her last place. Kumiko hadn't closed her eyes the night before and after that.

The girl ran her hand through her curly hair. She just then noticed she hadn't even brushed it after her shower. She sure was pathetic right now.

With a wheeze the train stopped at the station Kumiko needed to reach. She got up with a sigh. Just a little bit further until the school from here.

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