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"Oh my god, it's really you Kumiko!" Natsuki yelled as she threw herself onto Kumiko. The girl couldn't take the sudden extra wait and collapsed, Natsuki still on top of her.

"Christ, you must be really happy to see me." Kumiko huffed as she tried to get Natsuki off her. "You're heavy!" she whined when Natsuki didn't budge and inch.

The other students had stopped their chatter as they were now watching the scene in front of them.

Finally Natsuki got up and held her hand out for Kumiko to grab. The girl did it and brushed the seemingly invisible dust off.

Halfway through the brushing Kumiko noticed the staring and stopped her movements. Behind her the door slid open and heavy footsteps could be heard.

"Oumae-san, what a surprise to see you here." Taki-sensei sounded calm like always.

Kumiko gulped as she kept eye contact while bowing quickly. "Yes, Hazuki and Midori asked me to come check it out." she muttered. Taki simply nodded as he walked up to his usual place to lead the group.

The brunette was still standing at the door, feeling awkward. Her eyes trailed over the group. There were indeed some new faces here and there. Her eyes rested on a black-haired girl that was intently staring at her music sheets.

Hazuki had creeped up to her and slammed her hand on her shoulder. Kumiko yelped and jumped slightly. "What is your deal?" she exclaimed. Hazuki grinned. "Seems like you already noticed the new wonder."

So the black-haired was the special girl? She didn't look that special. But she did look like Azusa. Kumiko felt some sort of ache in her chest.

And as the group started with its usual start-up, Kumiko's eyes didn't leave the new girl.

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