why do i feel disappointed ?

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Once the "talk" with William was over, the rest of the evening went pretty much uneventful.

Miranda watched in despair as her father paraded Josh around, introducing him to whoever was willing to listen to him.

Miranda never got close, in hopes of not getting sucked in, tried her best to read his lips every time, but in vain, then just turned to plead to god that the first words coming out of her father's mouth weren't "let me introduce you to my future son-in-law".

Josh, in turn, looked a little awkward in the middle of all those man, Miranda noticed well enough.

Although, she could not help but to notice also that, despite his awkwardness, dressed like that, Josh really did not feel like he was out of place, she imagined that if she were to meet him for the first time, she would of thought him to be a rich heir, son of one of his father's friends, or perhaps a young executive on the rise ,or something like that.

Miranda thought for a second to limit herself to hang with Rebecca and Michelle, but she could notice from the distance, that all they were busy doing, was to follow Josh with their eyes wherever he went, and turn to each others ear to whisper, no doubt, N.S.F.W. level comments.

She was just not willing to listen to them as the wicked duo dissected and rated every portion of Josh's anatomy, so she refrained from joining them, and just waited for Josh to return, seated in the table they had previously dined on.

Josh returned after about half an hour later.

"i see someone is enjoying the attention" she grumbled, while sipping a cocktail, her fourth one since she sat down.

"your father just wouldn't let me go" he complained, while dropping himself heavily right next to her.

"he probably wound't have paraded you around like that if you hadn't opened your big mouth before" she said bitterly.

"if that is the price i have to pay to see you squirm, i'd be happy to pay it, as many times as it takes" he smiled.

That last comment earned him a dead glare from Miranda, but he just kept smiling like he welcomed it.

"well...if this is the best you can do to make me squirm, you are no match fo..."

She didn't get to finish, as Josh's mouth occupied her own, giving her a deep, slow kiss.

Miranda placed her hand on his forearms, in an attempt to free herself, but to no avail, Josh had her gripped tightly by the waist with both arms.

She could feel Josh's tongue moving in her mouth, and be it either by the number of cocktails ingested, or the shock received, she could not help but to match its movement with her own, for some reason her judgement was beginning to fade, and only a pleasant sensation was taking its place.

Miranda's kept resisting, or at least tried to, but by the end of it, her, at first, fierce resistance, had turned into a feeble attempt, almost imperceptible to Josh.

Once Josh separated from her, Miranda's mind was just numb from the shock and the sensations, she just stayed facing Josh, but his triumphant smile slowly brought her back.

"trust me, if you think that is the best i can do, you are in for the ride of your life, Angel" he smirked.

Miranda was about to slap him silly, but suddenly her sense of surrounding kicked in.

As she turned around, she found many of the few remaining guest looking in their direction, including Michelle, Rebecca and, of course, her father and nanny Stella.

This isn't happening! #wattys2017Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang