whom is coming to dinner?

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"how did it go?" was the first thing Rebecca asked as soon as Miranda picked up.

"just as i expected it would" was the reply.

"i wish i could have seen his face"

"he will have to grow accostumed to making that face from now on"

"poor bastard" Rebbeca giggled.

Miranda knew, however, that, at least for the time being, she would have to dial back a little, because the next few weeks would be crucial to her plan, and much of it deppended on him, of course, Miranda would never say anything of the sort in front of him, and couldn't risk him changing his mind.

Usually, Miranda would not mind someone running from her, but in this case, now that her father knew there was a "boyfriend", and once he finds out that the boyfriend was, in fact, "the grandchild's daddy", getting him out of the picture  was no longer a choice.

As there were very few thing in this world that Miranda really dreaded, she could face multi-billion dollar deals unfazed, she could face worker unions and tax audits while yawning, but could be at risk of two of the few things that would make Miranda sweat, and posibbly even cry. 

And those was the idea of her father's and nanny Stella's dissapointment.

Since Miranda's mother died, twenty years ago, when Miranda was only seven years old, the relationship with her father had been Miranda's rock, they went through those dark days together, with the help of nanny Stella, and so, Miranda held the opinion of those two people in the highest regard, and would not risk their disaproval in any way.

"Prude, you still there?" Rebbeca asked, getting Miranda back from her thoughts.

"yeah, i'm still here"

"i have a question" 


"when are going to meet our godchild's daddy?" Rebecca inquired "both me and Michelle are dying to meet the lucky guy" she said, stressing the last two words.

Miranda knew them well enough to know they were dying to meet him since the day they heard the doctor say the word "pregnant".

Miranda considered for a moment the implications of such encounter, considered for a moment to torture them by not letting them meet him until the last posible second.

but that would only earn her an endless stream of questions, insults, calls and texts in any way of contact available to the duo, and Miranda was just not willing to endure the annoyance that would suppose.

"how about next saturday?" she almost whispered.

"oh my, that was easy" Rebecca declared.

"i suppose its better if we make all the introductions at once" Miranda said.

"what do you mean?" 

"i forgot to tell you, on saturday night, i'm gonna introduce him to my father over dinner"

"say what?" Rebbeca blurted

"we both are coming to my father's for dinner, i guess you guys can tag along if you want"

"there is no human power that could prevent us from going, we'll get there even if i have to get a chopper to drop us off there" Rebbeca chuckled "can't wait to tell Michelle about this"

"i'm sure you can't" Miranda said mockingly.

"by the way, what is victim number two's name?"

Miranda was about to ask about that number two thing, when the memory came rushing, and stayed silent.

"wrong number" she thought to herself.

"Josh" she said "his name is Josh"

"well...can't wait to meet Josh, preferably before your father finds out about the baby, otherwise we will be greeting a corpse"

"then you guys better not be late"

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