Chapter 11

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Hello everyone I haven't really updated this book for awhile I am really sorry but I have been busy I hope you understand I will update more when I finish something I promise so please just bare with me
(Picture of the sunset I meant later in the chapter )
I wake up in a blanket that smells minty and the smell that you smell after rain , I find myself on the couch and I see my book laying on the table next to the couch I look over to the other couch and I see Draco still asleep wrapped in a blanket I look at him for a bit looking at his peaceful face he looks so peaceful he's not frowning or smirking like he does when he is awake and it's rare for him to smile I've only ever seen him smile  twice after all the time we have been friends and all of those have been brief and have never lasted I just wish I could help him but him being friends with a blood traitor is bad enough for him I don't think he has told his family that he is friends with me but the encounter at the book shop made me confused Mr. Malfoy knew who I was but he didn't treat me like my family he didn't make snarky comments or anything at all that would be considered rude as I was think I found myself looking at the fire and just thinking I of course was excited for potions and of course transfiguration Professor Snape might be rude and mean to everyone but I tend to be the only one nice to him whether or not he likes it.
After thinking for a bit of a long period I stood up from the warm blankets and see as how Draco's blanket fell off at some point during the night I gently placed the blanket over him and looked at him for a second he started to move and then I just went upstairs to the girls dormitories and went in my bed and just lay there I could see the sun coming up and beautiful sun rises of red and pink coming up I could the colors on the walls since my bed was right next to the windows and I quickly stood up and went to the window and just sat down and watches as the sun rose with all it gorgeous colors and it took my breath away at how something could be so wonderful and how I had never noticed it before and how I would love to see the sun rise every morning .
After a while one of my roommates woke up she looked at me and waved I waved back and put my finger to my lips to tell her to be quiet and pointed to our other roommates who were sound asleep so she just went and grabbed her uniform and left probably to get dressed I sat up because the sun had fully risen and went over to the chair and grabbed my uniform and went to get changed , After I changed into my uniform I braided my hair to keep it out of the during the day (Picture of the hair below )

After I tie my hair at the end of my braid I walk out of my dorm and walk down stair to see Draco still sleeping and a couple firsts year rushing to breakfast excited to explore the huge castle and excited to be starting the school year I remember...

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After I tie my hair at the end of my braid I walk out of my dorm and walk down stair to see Draco still sleeping and a couple firsts year rushing to breakfast excited to explore the huge castle and excited to be starting the school year I remembered what it felt like as I was thinking I noticed a 3rd year walk down the stairs from what I guess are the boys dorms, with cute soft brown eyes and brown hair I can't help but admire him he looks over at me I quickly look away and feel my face heat up I walk away quickly only to walk into someone I stumble but he catches me "What are you doing?" Draco says looking at me with a raised eyebrow "N-nothing." I say quickly getting out of his grip and running out the the entrance and towards to the halls right outside the doors of the dining hall I stop to catch my breath and then I see the guy from Slytherin He stops in front of me I literally stopped breathing. After sitting down I took some toast and a apple and put them on my plate thinking about what happened in the hall I smile at the memory and continue eating happily with a silly smile on my face


Okay so what did you guys think of my chapter that took ages for me to upload and for that I am sorry for that but I should be done with whats kept me busy on 14th of July so please be patient thank you

- Summer

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