Chapter 10

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I'm make a new book cover so I just wanted to let you know it will be up as soon as I update this and also I'm gonna be super busy in the coming weeks so I'm sorry if I don't upload chapter 11 soon but I'll try I promise. :)
As I wake up I see Ginny stand next to my bed looking at me saying something but I can't really make out what she's saying because my brain isn't fully awake yet , I finally get what she's saying she holding a letter. I take the letter from her hand I quickly open it hoping for it to be from Draco and when I open it finally I see that it was only my Hogwarts letter I must have looked disappointed "Why do you look so disappointed?"Ginny asks while sitting down next to me "It's nothing I just expected it to be from one of my friends well whatever." I say trying my best to be convincing .
  We all rush to the train I go after my brothers and then Ginny followed I go trying to find Hermione but instead I run into Draco and Pansy . I look at them and raise a eyebrow Pansy starts blushing and then I feel Draco looking at me I go past them the rush after me " You didn't talk to me all summer and now suddenly you want to Wow what great friends you are. " I say sarcastically but it was cold they were both still following me and were on my heels "I didn't know if I should or not considering you know family can't be to thrilled about our friendship." Pansy says finally catching up to me "Seriously you were worried about my family? They'll get over the fact that your my friend and besides they cant decide who I can be friends with and who I can't." I say stopping and looking at her "Besides Pansy why wouldn't they let me be friends with you sure they aren't to thrilled that I'm friends with Draco but I don't care you are my friends and they should know that and I'm not ashamed to tell them that and stick for you." I say very determined "I t-think I'm gonna cry." Pansy says her eyes glossy  "Aww don't cry." I quickly rush over to wipe her tears that had escaped i wipe them and give her a hug "Don't be sad Pansy." I say with a smile.                                                                                                                                               After I forgave them we all went to find a compartment but I ran into Hermione on the way it was awkward for me cause 1. they don't get along 2. they don't exactly see eye to eye. After that we found a compartment I sat at the window seat Pansy sat next to me and then I suddenly felt sleepy then I realize I've had trouble falling asleep lately. I close my eyes meaning only to rest them for a bit then I fall asleep 


I  see a house with a family having dinner and laughing then I see a green light burst the door open a scream could be heard and then another and then the whole room was screaming but then it was quiet and silent because the person who had forced the door open had killed everyone in the dining room I heard a dark cruel laugh coming from a man but not really he was not even close to human he had no nose and when he laughed it sent shivers through my body another pair of people came into the room Death Eaters by the looks of it Loyal ones which means that the person who laughed while killing all these innocent people was ... Voldemort I couldn't hear exactly what was being said but I saw the masks Death Eaters used to hide their identities but they slowly removed their masks just when they were about to take them off .....

 I woke up to Pansy telling me to get in my robes I sit up with a small groan . I change but by the time I get back to our compartment I see both of them already dressed and then I feel the train suddenly stop I didn't expect it so I of course being the clumsy person I am tripped over something and then when I closed my eyes ready to feel the impact of hitting the floor I feel a pair of arms around my waist stoping my fall . I open my eyes and see Draco's ocean blues ones and I feel as if I could stare at them forever when I feel myself being straightened up and I still think about his eyes his gorgeous blue eyes... I then tell myself the promise I made to myself I shall keep it. I sit next to Pansy waiting for the train to give us permission to leave (I don't know if they do this or not but let's just say in this book they do Okay?).                                                               After the feast to begin the school year I go up to the common room and then I see a empty chair and sit down but then I realize that they had a book that I wanted to read but I couldn't because the school year had just ended and then I raced to the library to my right and checked where I hid it and Yes it was still there after all this time I grab it and go back to the chair that I was sitting on before and sit down and get comfortable and open the first page and then after a while I feel my eyes droop and then I fell into a dreamless sleep ...


Hello again if you are reading this (Probably not :( ) I'm sorry to cut this chapter short but I'll try to make the next one longer so thanks for reading my book so far and Yep Bye ! ^_^ 


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