Chapter 4

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I look at Ron who's face is shocked all my brothers were , Slytherins were cheering I got off the stool and walked towards the Slytherins table the only seat available was of course next to Draco. I sit down and he turns towards me "So your a Weasley but your in Slytherin?"He asks with his eyebrow raised "Yeah but since we are both in Slytherin we might as well try to be nice to each other . Hi my name is Celestia but everyone calls me Belle ." I say while sticking out my hand waiting for him to shake it "Hello Belle well since you already know my name i don't think I have to tell you." He says while shaking my hand .

I laugh at him "What's so funny?"He asks clearly puzzled . Which cause me to laugh again "Nothing it's just our family don't exactly get along so it's funny that we are getting along." I say with a smile , While we were talking Dumbledore made announcements "Did you hear what he said?"I ask Draco "No I was busy talking to you." He says

Suddenly a bunch of food appeared and plates and spoons and forks and knives appeared in a neat order next to our plates, I see everyone start to put some food in their plates I look at the plates of food and start to take some and then I start eating and as time runs by Me and Draco and me become friends of sorts . I had also started talking to the girl in front of me her name was Pansy Parkinson and had met some of Draco's friends by the end of dinner I had become friends with Pansy and Crabbe and Goyle and also Blaise nut most of all I had made friends with Draco and to be quite honest I was enjoying my time with them , I had completely forgotten that only a few feet away was my brothers sat and watched as I befriended our family's worst enemy's son but I knew my my brother would not even try to get along with Draco so I knew that I would have to keep my friends in Slytherin and my brothers would have to be separate from my other friends

Our Slytherin prefect led us to the Slytherin common room it was nice it had a wide open space and and on the right was a library but he pointed to where the girls and boys dormitories were. Me and Pansy went over to Draco and his friends who had already taken as seat on the couches and were clearly comfortable "Draco are you gonna stay here me and Pansy want to see what our dormitory looks like and who we have as roommates." I say hoping he would be here when I get back "Of course go ahead we'll be here right when you get back." He says looking at me "But I thought we were goin-" Crabbe got cut off by a kick from Draco "Okaay since you'll be here when we might as well come back down again . Right Pansy?" I say looking at her "Sure, but I wouldn't mind going to sleep." She said . I look at Draco then at Pansy what do I do, I should probably go to sleep so I won't be tired tomorrow but I would love to explore the Slytherin common room . Ugh it's so hard to those I came here to make my family proud and get good grades to maybe get a decent job in the future so in the end going with Pansy seems like the smart choice "I think I'll do the same as Pansy and go to bed." I say.

I could have sworn I saw a hint of disappointment in Draco's eyes but I ignore it and follow Pansy to the Girl's dormitory I find a room ( Guys does anyone else wonder how they know which room is theirs or just me 😕 Sorry please continue reading) and walk in and there on one of the beds is my trunk I walk over and see a few other girls lying on their beds and doing nothing in particular. A moment later Pansy walks into the room , she looks at me in shock I smile at her and then she was over to the vacant bed next to me and there on the bed lies a trunk which I can only assume is her trunk.

After meeting our roommates we all went to bed , I wake up to the sun shining through the windows I see one of my roommates left probably for breakfast. I sit up and look over to Pansy's bed and see her still asleep I get out of my warm comfortable bed and walk on the cold floor over to her bed "Pansy get up it's time for breakfast." I say shaking her sleeping figure "What no 5 more minutes." She grumbles from under her green silk covers . I walk over to my bed and see that my robes had been laid out on a chair next to my bed I quickly get dressed . I finish buttoning up my last button on my shirt and pull over my sweater over my head then I go over to Pansy "Okay it's been over 5 minutes get up." I say shaking her again she pulls her green silk pillow over her head "Fine,sleep but I'm going to get breakfast you can join me if you want." I say going away from her bed and heading to the door I open the door and walk out into the hall I go down the steps and see the common room unusually empty I see Draco sitting on the couch "Ahh you finally come down ." He says getting up from the couch Crabbe and Goyle get up as well "You were waiting for me?" I ask looking at Draco "Well I guess you could say that." He says mot looking at me "Well thanks ." I say not looking at him afraid he would see the blood rushing up to my face . We leave the common room and head down to breakfast after awhile Pansy joins us quite angry at me , After breakfast we head to Transfiguration I sit next to Pansy "Pansy do you know where my quill is?" I ask while searching my bag "No it should be in your bag ." She says " Whats wrong Belle?" Draco writes on a piece of parchment and lets me see "Pansy can I you tell Draco I think I lost my quill ." I say she writes it on a piece of parchment "Is this your quill?" Draco writes on the same piece of parchment quite holding a quill "Pansy write yes." I whisper to her Draco see the answer and quickly gives it to me . I quickly start writing when the doors burst open scaring me I look back and see Ron and Harry sprinting through the doors .

After transfiguration Me and Draco,Crabbe and Goyle head to Potions "We're a bit early ." I say looking at the empty seats "No we are not Potter and Weasley are here." Draco says with distaste I kick him in the leg "Ow what was that for?" He says rubbing his leg . Harry and Ron look up "Oh sorry ." I say clearly not sorry "Yeah whatever." He says we go to the front of the class Draco sits down Crabbe and Goyle sit down on both sides of him I go to the seat next to Crabbe "What are you doing?" Draco asks "Im going to sit down why?" I say with a little bit of sarcasm "Yeah I can see that but why are you sitting next to Crabbe?" He says clearly not fazed by my sarcasm "Fine." I say walking towards Ron and Harry when I see Hermione join them "Okay you clearly didn't get what I was saying, Sit next to me." He says pointing at the seat next to him where Crabbe was sitting but had moved to the next seat . I walk over to the seat next to him , When I sit down he has a smirk on his face he had looked back at Harry and Ron "Meet me in the common room after classes." He whispers in my ear . I feel a shiver run down my back " i can feel Ron and Harry burning holes into the back of my head "Why?" I ask turning my head his face was dangerously close .

After Potions I walk to my other lessons but i can't seem to focus on any of them. Am I really going to have choose between Draco and my family ugh what am I thinking of course I'd chose my family but why can't I have both? As I was debating I came to a hall that was empty but at the other end of the hall I saw Harry and Ron talking when they look up I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't this , Ron was looking at me like I was a stranger "Ron!" I say loudly with no one in the hall I know no one else had heard me , He looks at me but keeps walking almost right past me but I grip his arm stopping him from moving "I was talking to you." I say through gritted teeth "Wow a day with Slytherin and your already not the same." he says venom clear in his words. I let his arm go "Yeah well if you would talk to me I might not have to corner you into a hall just to talk to you." I say my anger rising and it was pretty obvious "Your in Slytherin Belle you know that no wizard in Slytherin ever turned out to be a good person or in fact anything but evil!" He says clearly anger as well "Is that what you think ? That I'll forget my family and Slytherin's history?" I say the betrayal I felt and the hurt I felt was probably on my face . Close to tears "Fine if you want nothing to do with your Slytherin sister fine but right now their a lot better then you Ron!" I say the tears falling I see my other brothers entering the hall I run out Percy catches my arm "Let me go Percy." I say through tears "What happened?" He asks still holding my arm "Why do you care Ron said it all you guys want nothing to do with me." I say looking at them I rip my arm from his hold I see Draco coming into the hall I run towards him he catches me in his arms wrapping them around . He sees my tears and looks at my brothers with clear and undeniable hatred "Let's go." He says taking my hand and leading me away from the hall throwing a glare at my 'brothers'. We walk back to the common room he doesn't ask whats wrong "I'm going to go up to my room." I say wiping my tears . He lets me go from his embrace the common room was empty he nods I walk up and into my rom his scent was still on my clothes I take comfort in that i lay back on my bed and close my eyes and slowly I drift to sleep .......


Hello to who ever is reading okay so there are alt of differences between the books and movies so I added my own twist and yeah in the chapter It will be little different because it won't be in Belle's POV so yeah it will be different and yeah sonic Mother's Day is coming up I might do a special chapter just for you know mothers day anyway that all I hope you all enjoy my book I have yet to get a vote but whatever ^-^ Bye 

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