Chapter 11

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Ciel yawned lightly as he sat up on his bed, comforted by the gentle lullabies of the birds outside. Ciel rested his head on the stiff hospital pillow, taking in the morning numbly.

My sleep seemed undisturbed. He mused. That's a change for once. (Ciel seemed to be unaware of his violent nightmare which Beast had so cleverly bottled up.)

Ciel listened to the familiar chatter of voices outside his bedroom; doctors and nurses alike were constantly rushing back in forth between the rooms, doing this and that. He patiently waited for a doctor of his own to bring him his breakfast, and used the time to study the voices outside his door. He was fairly trained at singling out conversations among crowds of people; years and years of practice he supposed.

He recognized an eerily familiar voice, though he couldn't recall when or how. Ciel concluded that it was of a woman's, who seemed to be in her twenties or so, a nurse by her pleasantries. He focused on her conversation, yet she was so far away he could only pick up traces. "Violent", "Nightmare", "Mother", and "Fire" were the only words he caught. Yet he swore he had heard his own name...

His thoughts were interrupted with the opening of his bedroom door. He instantly recognized the smooth and graceful steps that glided to his bedside, and Ciel simply glowed with anticipation.

"Sebastian" he sighed, reaching out for his doctor's comforting touch.

Sebastian smiled warmly at the notion, and after setting Ciel's food on the bedside table, swiftly grabbed Ciel's hands with his own. He pressed the fragile cold hands to his cheek, soothed by the boy's nature.

Ciel nearly melted at Sebastian's touch; the warmth that radiated through his skin sent pleasant shivers down his spine. Ciel sweetly purred in response, humming in content.

Sebastian kissed Ciel's hands gently and then set them in his lap. "I was so worried about you Ciel." Sebastian stated.

Ciel cocked his head. "Worried? What do you mean?"

Sebastian let go of Ciel's hands, and instead traced his fingers along the boy's cheek, gently caressing the porcelain skin.

"You know Alois? That boy you were with yesterday morning?" Sebastian began.

Ciel nodded his head, confused at where this was headed. "Yeah..."

Sebastian sighed, pausing for a moment.

"Go on." Ciel urged.

"He's missing." Sebastian stated.

Ciel shook his head wildly. "No, no. That can't be. "

"It was reported that he snuck out of his room late last night, and then was seen running with another patient in the asylum. Though no one knows where he went or why...It is quite odd though, for he is the only patient reported missing. This means that whoever was with him escaped back to their room." Sebastian pondered. "Very confusing to me...Nonetheless..."

Sebastian continued explaining the situation, yet every word he spoke fell deaf on to Ciel's ears. His entire body stiffened when he heard that Alois was seen running with another patient...because he suddenly remembered that he was that patient.

Ciel's thoughts went back to the night previous. He remembered Alois taking him to that bare, damp room with stone walls. He also remembered the shot given to him by Claude when he was apparently unconscious.

Ciel shuddered as he remembered Claude's sickly sweet voice, his cold, lingering touch...what he told him about "speeding up the process".... Ciel was totally in the dark on what exactly that process was, and why Claude was so adamant about it.

Bittersweet SebastianxCielWhere stories live. Discover now