What Lies Ahead

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One hour later, Elerrina found herself bathed and in one of her new dresses as one of the maids carefully combed through her hair. The dress she chose was of a pale shade of green. The color had somehow seemed familiar to her in these strange and new surroundings. It was the color Elladan preferred on her, she knew that. A smile broke through her lips as she thought of Elladan, and now more than ever she wanted to be by his side, needed to see his face, to hear his voice, needed to feel whole again, to feel at home.

"Riniel" she said, not sure which maid was the one she had called, but hopping that the owner of the mane would answer. The maid who had been braiding her hair suddenly stopped her fine work, already finished, and moved to stand at Elerrina's eyesight.

"Yes, Your Highness?" Her new title caught her by surprise. It would take some time to get used to it. She would later tell the young maid to stop using it and simply call her by her name, but right now she had more important things to ask.

"Do you know where can I find Lord Elladan....or Lord Elrohir." She added quickly. One twin would lead her to the other, so either one was fine.

The maid's beautiful hazel eyes suddenly sparkled with a new excitement, almost seeming to tease her, and she instantly liked her a lot more. Elerrina had not said more than was necessary for the past thirty minutes, and she knew that this sudden question had entirely given her away. There was no way this maid did not suspect she had a special liking for the eldest son of Elrond.

"Yes." Riniel answered with a bright smile. "The Lords of Imladris always use the guest chambers inside the private quarters of the house. They will most likely be there, for they usually rest for some time after arriving."

"Would you like us to show you the way?" Her eyes immediately turned to the other maid, Lhenes, as she spoke. She could see the same amused spark in her eyes, and knew that the young elf had accurately guessed what she had wanted. And she knew it.

"Yes, thank you." Her voice was polite, but she could not help her lips form curving in a guilty smile.

Neither of the maids said anything else, but soon she was following them out of her elegant chamber and into the wide corridor outside. Elladan was staying inside the Private Quarters of the palace, which could not be that far away. She tried to memorize every curve they took, every stair, every hallway, making an incredibly large effort to remember exactly how to get to Elladan's chambers. For all she cared, that was the only place in the place worth knowing the way. For all the other destinations, she could get lost and would not mind it in the slightest.

It only took a couple of minutes before Lhenes and Riniel stopped in front of a pair of large wooden doors. Her heart instantly filled with longing and it became impossible for her not to smile.

"It is here, Your Highness." Said Riniel with a small nod of her head and Elerrina turned to look at her.

"Thank you."

"Should we wait for you inside your chambers?" Asked Lhenes.

"That will not be necessary, thank you. You may go." She smiled softly as she shook her head, dismissing the two maids who simple bowed their heads lightly before turning to leave.

She did not turn to look as she heard their light footsteps walking away through the large corridor, all of her attention placed on the door that lay before her. One of her hands quickly knocked on the carved wood, but she did not wait for an answer as she gently pushed the door open and stepped inside the room, closing it behind her.

The sight that met her eyes made her heart melt as her lips curved up in a gentle smile. Elladan lay on the large bed placed in the center of the room, silver eyes closed in a deep healing sleep. Loose dark hair lay splattered over the soft pillows, the color contrasting sharply against the pure white of the pillowcases and sheets. The covers were pulled up to his shoulders and she could see a bulge under the sheets where a pillow had been placed underneath his right leg, entirely relaxing the wounded muscle. He looked so peaceful, the handsome features of his face completely tranquil, not a trace of the constant pain that had lined his face for the past days remained visible. For the firs time since they had left Imladris, he was sleeping comfortably, pain and discomfort no longer disturbing his rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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