Infinite Blue

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The valley of Imladris looked different during the day. The morning light danced delicately over the walls and furniture, reflecting in gold and silver over every surface it touched.

Suddenly, in the tranquility of the day, all the events o the night before appeared only a distant dream, an illusion of her own creative imagination. Only the vivid image of the whispering blue stone that refused to leave from her mind served her as a sour reminder that it had not been a dream.

She was already washed and dressed in a plain light blue dress that had been laid out for her the night before when Faelilla made her appearance through the door. Once again, the sight of the platinum haired elven maiden had the same dazzling effect on Elerrina that it had had the night before. She observed Faelilla waltz on weightless steps towards where she sat, a pale green dress gently held in her hands.

"Good morning, Lady Elerrina" she asked in a musical voice. "Slept well?"

"Good morning, Faelilla" she answered with a mod of her head. "I was not expecting to see you this morning"

Faelilla laughed lightly at her, the sound leaving her mouth like wind chimes.

"I am a chambermaid, my Lady, and I have strict orders to make sure that you are comfortable. If you need anything you just need to send for me"

Elerrina was dumbstruck. She had not expected to have a chambermaid. She had grown up in a small house only with Naeraviel, and had learned how to cooperate in the house chores.

"Here I bring a dress for you to wear tonight. Isn't it beautiful?" Continued Faelilla with a smile on her lips.

Elerrina turned her attention to the forgotten dress in the maid's hands. It was indeed beautiful. The pale green fabric was soft and weightless, dancing with even the slightest breeze. The neckline and shoulders were thinly embroidered in sparkling silver.

"It is beautiful" was all that she managed to say as she played with one of her golden strands of hair. It seemed that Faelilla had picked the most stunning dress in Arda for her to wear.

"Here, let me help you with your hair" Said the fair-haired elf as she placed the dress on the bed and started slowly combing through Elerrina's long golden hair.

"Faelilla...tell me about the feast" she said nervously. She did not know what to expect of it. She did not know anything about being an elf, let alone attend an elven ball. With an elven lord, she reminded herself. There surely had to be a million of protocol rules and manners she did not know.

Faelilla only laughed slightly at her nervousness.

"There is nothing to worry about" she said reassuringly. "May I ask who has invited you?"

"Ell...I mean, Lord Elladan" she corrected herself. They were no longer traveling in the woods, and elves seemed to be very formal when it came to the Lords of Rivendell. The name sounded strange as it left her mouth, as if she was talking about someone she did not know at all. And part of that was true.

"You are in good company. The twins are very noble and kind hearted, even though they do enjoy having a little fun. We enjoy having them back in the house, it is never the same when they are out hunting, it becomes too peaceful and quiet."

"Do they go out very often?" She asked, determined to find out more about the identical elves she thought she knew.

"Not so much now. There was a time after the loss of their mother, Lady Celebrian, in which they would leave for months. The spent more time out hunting orcs than in the house. It is lovely to have them back smiling and joking once again, the valley was not the same for years."

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