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The ride back to the village was taking longer than Elerrina had expected. It seemed that with the adrenaline and fear caused by the sudden ambush, she had failed to notice how deep into the forest they had penetrated, and no matter how long they march the thick foliage did not seem to lessen. Only the mere task of finding the main road took them a couple of long hours, and she could feel herself already getting sore from sitting on the horse, not used to its swaying and thumping. 

The forest looked so different during the day, when the soft rays of the golden sun caressed the leaves of the swaying trees, filtering weakly in sparkling reflects that moved and changed as the leaves above danced.  I was almost possible to trace the soft lines they made as they pierced through the tree canopy, dancing and twirling to find new openings between the thick leaves: A perfect waltz among leaves and light softly choreographed to the melody of the breeze.

They rode in silence for the most part. She was sitting behind Elrohir, her hands holding tight to his shoulders for balance but not wanting to wrap them around his torso, that would be too much contact. She could feel the calming aura that emanated form his presence, his long velvet cloak brushing against her dress and below her fingers. Her hands had never touched such rich material before. And once again she made a mental note to remember that Elrohir was wearing a green cloak and Elladan blue, trying to keep tracks of ways to distinguish them.

Elladan rode in front of them, equally as silent, and, in her bored state, she allowed herself to study him closely. All she could see of him now was his long dark hair, falling nearly to his waist, and his flowing soft blue cloak, of the same velvet as his twin's. She silently rolled her eyes, even his cloak was graceful. Suddenly, as if he could feel her eyes on him, his head turned around to look at her. She dared to catch his eyes, and found the same pair of deep grey eyes she had seen when she had met him. His eyes had become silent once again, and betrayed no emotion.

She quickly turned to gaze into Elrohir's eyes. Only for a second she caught him staring at his twin brother, deep in thought, once again given her the impression the could talk without words,  although a fraction of second later he was looking down at her. She had caught the quick exchange of stares between the twins, but decided that it was best to ignore it, she would ask about it later.

Elrohir's eyes were deep and warm, the kindest shade of liquid grey, and she felt that she could see his very soul reflected in his gaze. His eyes were exactly the same of his brother's, and yet they were so different.

"Can you read minds?" She regretted the question as soon as it left her lips. She could hear Elladan's quiet chuckles and could perfectly picture his grin mocking her. Fighting her urge to turn around again and yell at Elladan she focused instead on staring at Elrohir.

He too had laughed with the question, but instead of trying to suppress his amusement, he had freely let out a musical laugh.

"Yes, we can." He told her, his  eyes still fixed on her, but she could not see if he was telling the truth or simply playing with her. But what is they could? It sounded pathetic, but the way the stared at each other made her almost believe that could indeed read each other's minds. But then, could they read hers too?

"What am I thinking about?" she tested him, feeling suddenly incredibly childish.

"You were just marveling at how gracefully my brother rides, and also bout how much you dislike his very presence, which I still fail to comprehend why. Also there is nothing you would want most than to be back home and forget this meeting ever happened, although, I dare to add that it will not be possible for you to forget because, as I understand, you had never seen an elf before...besides yourself of course." He was now grinning widely at her shocked expression. "Did I miss something?"

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