In the Mirror of Water

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Long minutes stretched into what felt like hours to her. She remained silent, her eyes staring deeply into the warm gaze of silver, waiting desperately for a reaction on his part. Elladan was looking at her confused, his eyes studying her as if in deep concentration. He had listened patiently as she described the dream in detail, but had not said a single word since.

She wanted to look away, but instead she held her gaze still, allowing is piercing eyes to penetrate into the depths of her dark green orbs. Finally he opened his mouth and let the words escape his lips, her ears delighting in the sound of his calmed, soothing voice.

"Do you remember seeing him anywhere other than a dream?" He spoke slowly, as if having a casual conversation over the dinner table.

"No, I do not. Nor do I remember ever seeing those places before."

"Is it the first time you have this dream?"

"Yes" she admitted in a whisper. His lips curved up in a soft smile as his right hand reached to gently brush her cheek. His left hand gripped hers and gave it a light squeeze.

"Do not worry about it. Let it rest for now."

She returned his smile and nodded her head lightly. They already had many things to concentrate on at the moment, and she trusted blindly in his judgment. He was well more experienced and wise than her, and she knew that whatever decision he would take would be taken with reason. Yet she could see a glint of suspicion in his eyes that told her that her dream intrigued him more than he was letting her see.

"Now you tell me what you dreamt of" She said, trying to lighten up the conversation into a more casual one, her smile only growing wider. She saw his eyes sparkle with mischievousness as his soft smile turned into a grin.


"Not even a part of it?" She asked, curiosity now invading her at his playful refusal. His face glowed with enjoyment and she could tell he liked her need to insist.

"No" He answered once again, his eyes staring at her with their characteristic carefreeness.

"Why not?" she could not control her desire to know from growing intensively at his continuous refusal. She could not care less about the dream anymore, he could have dreamt about nothing at all and she would not mind. All she wanted now was for him to tell her, to give in.

"Simply because"

His grin had now grown wider and she sighed in defeat. With a new grin on her face, Elerrina moved a little forward on the couch, sitting closer to him as she grasped both of his strong hands in hers. Her eyes searched his, wide and pleading, and he met them without the slightest hesitation.

"And if I plead?" She asked softly, trying to make him give in to her, using the power she knew she had over him, the same power that he had over her. However, he merely laughed at her attempt, the sound the sweetest her ears had ever and would ever hear. In a quick movement he closed the gap between the two, placing a light kiss on her lips, and momentarily she forgot about everything else.

"Your curiosity is something I will never quite fully comprehend" He said, still laughing lightly.

"Did you enjoy yourself looking through my collection of books?" He tilted his head in the direction of the elegantly carved bookshelf and she felt somewhat embarrassed for searching through his stuff without his consent.

"I apologize for that, I should have asked you but you were asleep." She explained softly but he waved it off with a hand as he smiled at her.

"You can look through them as much as you wish." She smiled at his words as she let herself drown in his eyes of liquid silver.

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