Power in a Stare

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Voices came to her from somewhere, faint, unintelligible, nothing more than a barely audible whisper in the back of her head, foggy and unclear. She could hear them murmuring quickly and low and was only able to catch some of the muttered words, although she found them being in a language she did not recognize. slowly, she started to resurface into reality, feeling the strange sensation os a soft wind caressing her face.

Another whisper in that beautiful strange tongue. She did not know that voice, could not recognize it. It did not sound familiar. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes, but the curtain of her long golden hair had fallen to cover her face in her sleep, preventing her from seeing anything. And she did not move, panic momentarily taking hold of her as she frantically tried to remember where she was. Was she lying on the ground? Why? Still, she barely dared to breathe trying to hear in the whispered conversation any word that she might be able to understand. 

She caught a different voice answering but it was too low for her to catch the words. They sounded angry...definitely arguing,  though she could not tell about what. Who were these people and what were they doing in her bedroom?  Did her mother know them? She must have been the one who let them in, nobody else lived in the house...

Fear started to rise inside of her as she realized she was not lying on her bed at home. She was laying on something cold and hard, and smell like....earth?  Where was she?

The strangers kept their little argument in that strange tongue,  ignoring the fact that she was awake now, and she preferred it that way. She did not  want them to know she was conscious again, not when she had no idea who they were or what was their intention. Or more importantly where she was.

 The voices where so low, the strange words flowing together like music, and  she was just able to catch parts of the argument, they made no sense. And then it snapped. One of the voices spoke a name. "Elladan"

The name hit her like a wall of brick. Suddenly she remembered the previous night, the run, the nasty creatures, the silent crackling fire, the cold night wind, and she had been sure it had been just a dream. No. Come to think of it, if Elladan had been in it, it had definitely been a nightmare.

 She quickly opened her eyes and sat up.

Her heart jumped inside her chest at the sight that met her. Not one but two Elladans were looking down at her from where they stood, by the burnt remains of the long dead fire, identical pairs of silver eyes turning her direction. Apparently they were the ones that had been arguing, based on the looks on their faces. 

And then she screamed, as loud as her lungs would allow her to, her eyes jumping from one of the figures to the other one, feeling too confused, they were too identical. Was she seeing things? Two Elladans! This had to be a nightmare! The most terrifying nightmare of her life.

"What are you doing! Stop screaming!" Yelled one of the identical tall figures, the one that had been casually sitting on huge rock. And even though both figures looked exactly the same, the voice of this one she did not recognize. 

Suddenly, a hand was pressed to her mouth from behind her, and it made her scream all the more loudly, although the sound was now muffled by strong steady fingers. She struggled, trying to get free of the strong hold, kicking and punching, but the arms around her were too strong compared to her pathetic attempts. What was happening?! 

"Stop it Elerrina!" hissed another voice in her right ear, and this time she was surprised that she did in fact recognize it: It was Elladan. But why was she seeing him twice? "The whole forest now knows our exact location."

She shuddered at the hidden authority in his voice and it filled her body with rage the fact that she stopped screaming the moment he had spoken. It hadn't been her intention to obey; in fact she would NEVER obey HIM! But the power in his tone was so strong she doubted there was any living form that could have denied his command.

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