Chapter 1

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I'm not going to lie, not everything in life is happy go sunshine. If you are like me you didn't listen when your parents gave you that talk about staying away from stranger, don't talk to people you don't know, don't go in anyone's car, and kick and yell if someone tries to grab you. Most kids don't, you heard it before so you think you know it all. But your mind it just, it just freezes everything you wanted to say, nothing comes out, everything you wanted to do, it's like they reprogramed your body and told it to do nothing.

My name is Liz, I'm going to start my story back when I was 12, that's when things got exciting in my life. I have 2 brothers, one that was 22 and one that was 14. I have an older sister who was 18. These are their ages where I'm starting the story at. We were a very close family, we all knew everything about everything, give or take a few things. We were a very religious family, church every Sunday and we all went to Catholic schools. I always didn't agree with everything that was said in church, for example, gay people aren't allowed in the church because God made people so a male and a female could have a child. I believe they are still people, maybe they don't like who the "normal" female or male would typically go for, but hey if they are good people then let them live their lives. Don't get me wrong I love God I love everything that he created this world to be, I love everyone that's in it. Believe it or not everything and everyone is here for a reason. May it be good or bad they have a reason.

We lived in a decent sized house we all had our own rooms and my brothers got to share a bathroom and so did my sister and I. The house was in walking distance of everything, the church our schools, the dance studio my sister and I've danced at scenes basically before I was born.

My oldest brother Will went to college. He didn't live there he didn't need to it was less than a 20 minutes drive, which meant my parent bought him a car. He had a girlfriend at the time. She was really nice, she didn't treat me like a little kid she talked to me like I was ready to have a mature conversation and I was. That one reason I liked her.

My sister Abby, I love her she knew everything those few thing I was able to keep from the rest of my family she knew. She told me everything as well, we didn't hide much from each other. She has the most amazing voice you could think of. She was dating her best friend since who even remember when. His name was Ben. I loved Ben he was a goofball and always tried to make everyone laugh, he didn't have to do much to get Abby to blush. I knew they were meant to be together from the beginning, just from the way he looked at her. He also would never leave me out. Date night and I was home by myself I would end up going. We had a secret ally where I would tell Abby, my sister, what to wear but he would pick it out. He's a guy he has his needs, Benjamin is a nice guy he has never done anything to hurt her and is always keeping her safe. My dad loves him. Abby is gorgeous she actually a model, boys drool over her as she walks by, and I'm not joking half of the boys in my grade have asked for her number they should give that up before they even try.

My last brother Casey the one closest to my age, not really anything exciting to tell about him yet, he likes sports he plays like all of them? He had some hot friends can't get him wrong there, I always thought they hanged at our house because of Abby, but I wished that one of his friend I had the biggest crush on would come over to see me, you will hear more about that later on. He's got an outstanding voice just like Abby, he sings all the time. Last but not least me, not much to say I'm only 12 as of right where I'm telling you about. I was in the 7th grade in a Catholic school I'm not the most popular, I danced every day that I could. I sang a little, at that point I didn't think it would take me anywhere. I had the biggest crush on Casey close friend James, he was always nice to me but treated me like a little kid. I had one main friend named Sara, she Ben's sister also was our neighbor. I knew her forever ben and Abby have been friend since they were 3 so I guess you could say there family and mine are family friends. That's all the information I need to inform you about to get your head spinning.

Yo Yo Yo hey guys this story may be a little rough at some points I'm not the best writer or speller but I tend to come up with story in my head that I wish I could have someone write for me so I can read them but I often can so this is me trying to write this story. 

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