It's hard to believe we were a part of that, even harder to believe we're free of it. 

You have no idea how happy I am to hear you're doing good. I really want to see you and tell you face to face how proud I am of you, how we all are so proud of you. There isn't a person more deserving of a happy ending Ally, I'm glad you've stopped blaming yourself and realised what happened was unpreventable.

Jason's doing great, he came running at the sound of your name. I can tell he misses his little sister very much, would it kill you to pick the phone up?

I'm just kidding, I know you're busy living your new life.

There's something I've been dodging because I'm unsure of how you'll take the news.

Your parents are getting divorced.

We stopped by the house one day and stumbled across a huge argument, it ended with your dad leaving after a few colourful words and your Mom crying on my lap.

Your dad pretty much blamed your Mom for everything and said he was leaving to make his own mind up because she's a manipulative bitch that deserves to suffer. You Mom told your Dad it was all his fault and Chelsea would still be here if he had a bit of back bone. He cried and ran out of the house with his bags.

He asked me for your contact number but I told him that wasn't the wisest decision seeing as you're moving on with life and you don't need to be dealing with the pressure of your family's problems.

You're welcome.

Ms Hanaway doesn't go a day without asking me about you. You can tell she feels guilty about everything. And Mindy wrote a letter to you but it must have gotten lost in the mail, she basically said.

'I miss you a lot and you need to come home and persuade my Mom to get us a dog.'

Sorry, how old is she again?

You're missing out on all of this, it's like Keeping Up With The Kardashians back here. Please continue to enjoy yourself and forget about us! I'm begging you.

As for your boy issue. If you like him, go after him. Stop letting your past hold you back because he's probably the only person left that knows every detail of what happened, if he's going to hurt you he would have done it already.

I suspected something fishy when he offered that holiday so persistently. I can honestly tell you, if you want it, go for it. I don't know this Cassie chick but she's right if she's telling you to go for it. 

This is too girly for me, I have to go.


(I don't do kisses x)


 Max (and Mindy)

 Sorry it's been so long. 

A lot has happened, I can tell you that. But first let me reply to your message.

Jason's good, that's great. Just what I want to hear. And I take it you're doing good as well? Sounds like it.

As for the divorce, that's unsurprising. My father was bound to get sick of her at some point, and my mother was bound to snap at him for being so laid back at some point. Poor wise, naive parents.

I'm glad to hear about Ms Hanaway, I don't hold any negative feelings towards her anymore. 

And Mindy seriously, you're in your twenties. Move out and get a dog! And a job! Stop sitting here listening to me gossip and go out there and enjoy yourself, the world's a wonderful place.

I'm currently in Sweden by the way, I'm not bragging or anything.

You'll be surprised to hear that I got the courage to listen to my heart and now Harvey and I are together, no details needed because it's too cliche. 

Okay I have to share I'm sorry Max, stop reading I'll talk to Mindy if it's too much for you.

We were all out at dinner one night and I realized that it was only us two left at the table. We talked and laughed until sunset and decided to take a walk on the pier.

He pushed me into the water and I nearly drowned.

But he came in after me laughing and we dragged our cold bodies out onto the pier and sat down. He told me he liked me a lot and that he understood if I needed time, I kissed him like my world depended on it.

I didn't think Harvey had a romantic bone in his body but apparently so. He's showered me with gifts, letters and just been a general good friend in the mix. 

The sad news is, Harvey and I are staying longer.

I've realized from this trip that I really don't want to leave. 

I'll have my visiting periods of course but I need to keep on travelling and exploring the world. This experience has been so magical, I really don't want it to end.

So you won't be living with me any time soon. A wise person once told me that I was in idiot if I was going to give up on my hearts desire. This is my hearts desire. Harvey is my heart's desire.

You know for once, I'm positive everything's going to be alright. There may be bumps in the road but I know, for sure, that the darkness will and has passed. 

I'll try my hardest to write from Italy next week, don't hold your breath though.



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