The Boy Project (a one direction fan fic)

Start from the beginning

“Connie you don’t want to scar the boys, do you?” Ash asked as were headed up the stars to the drama room.

“How would I do that?” Connie asked crossing her arms and jutting out her lip. I shouldn’t have but her facial expression was just so hilarious I couldn’t stop myself from laughing and at the fact that she couldn’t see the obvious fact that she would indeed scar them.

“Get her!!!” Connie and Ashley screamed up once and chased me up the stairs in to the drama room.

“Ashley, Connie I’m sure whatever she did can’t have been that bad.” Miss Tina said without looking up from her romance novel with a bare chested man on the front. Wow he’s in pretty good shape. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of that.

“Yeah guys it wasn’t that bad. See, even Miss agrees.” I said hands on hips

 “Let’s get going. You do realise we still have to split the ten roles among us.”   Ashley said with a frustrated look on her face. She always gets stressed about drama and I have no idea why. Maybe because no one wants to be with us.

“Miss can we-“

“Yes, you can use the music room.” Miss didn’t even have to hear out the remainder of my sentence to know what I wanted to ask. Every day we go in there to practice drama.

‘The room’ as we call it is a music room used by the band and most every single music group in the school. At the back of the music room there are a bunch of music stands and instruments. There are three doors that lead into adjacent parts of D block. One opens into the drama room corridor which has a bunch of lockers in it yet is usually empty- weird right. The one on the other side of the room leads in to the next corridor which goes into the other rooms in D block and the third door opens into the next music room. On the same wall there is a huge window so you can see into the next music room. We also make weird faces and draw a crowd when we’re running through any practical work.

“Are we ready to do some actual work today guys?” Connie asked with a small smile. We have a lot of work to do today. And I mean a lot though it’s not like I ever do any work anyway. Not only do we need to have set out all the characters but we also need to divide them up which is going to be a pain because there are a lot of clashes with scenes which will be difficult to resolve.

I set cross legged on the floor constantly fidgeting. I tried stretching but that didn’t help either. Sometimes it does.

“Just dance Sara. God knows you’re annoying the crap out of me! You do this all the time.” Ashley yelled- see as I said, touchy about drama.

“Thanks a lot Ashley please feel free to abuse me about my life and habits.” I faked a hurt tone of voice. The sarcastic shit-head type of voice because she falls for it every time.

“Sorry darling. You know I don’t mean it right. I’m just at that time of the month and we really need to finish writing up these parts.” Ashley said in an apologetic tone. I’m used to it though. I do this most lessons. Ashley does dramatic exercises, Connie looks at various images of hot guys and Justin Bieber and I dance. In fact I’m pretty sure Connie was looking at a topless picture of Justin Bieber right now.

I know that must seem weird but I dance to neutralise my emotions. When I’m stressed, happy, sad excited or angry I just dance a lot and it helps me think. In the past after dancing I have come up with some brilliant ideas and I often dance to brainstorm. I got to my feet and started spinning like a ballerina. I had just come out of the fifth pirouette and was about to launch into a massive breakdance session when I stopped. Before I continue – breakdance and ballet may be a weird combination but it can be done, anyhow, back to the story. I looked up and stacked it due to the shock of seeing not one but 5 guys standing at the window. Damn how embarrassing. I got up and smiled weakly at the guys as I opened the locked door. I cannot believe I just did that. Damn that’s embarrassing. Oh well, life is a bitch after all. The first guy that walked in had brown hair that was kind of messed up but oh so sexy. Yes I did just think that. What are you going to do about it?

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