Trust comes from saving a life

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A/N This is what I really wanted to happen at the end of Season 8 Episode 23 Uncaged. Spoiler Alert if you haven't seen it. So Michelle, Sam's wife dies, but what if this happened instead? Oh, BTW I killed off Deeks' mother in this. Sorry not sorry. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Deeks and Kensi stormed into the building all guns blazing. They took out the security guard and another guy. They rushed around the building desperately trying to find Michelle. They looked everywhere they could see. They opened every door, every cupboard, looked behind every piece of furniture, but they still couldn't find her. 

Where the hell was she?

Deeks began to get restless. He knew the pain of losing a loved one, his mother was murdered right in front of his eyes and he was too helpless to do anything. Just stuck behind those bars that sealed his fighting spirit. The pain that came afterwards especially was something that if he could choose, should never have to happen to Sam. He didn't deserve to loose Michelle, neither did their children deserve to loose their mother to a monster such as Tahir Khaled.

Kensi was also thinking the same thing, loosing her father was one of the worst things that happened to her in her whole life and like Deeks, the pain was excruciating and something no one needed to feel.

"Deeks," Kensi whispered quietly, tugging on his shirt.

"What?" he snapped viciously, immediately regretting his tone of voice as he saw the look on Kensi's face. "Sorry baby. I'm just so stressed out right now."

"Don't worry Marty, I know you are. You just want to find Michelle, I do too." she replied lovingly, grabbing his hand and pulling him through the last door, the last place they hadn't looked. If she was there then finally the Hanna's could be reunited, however if she wasn't there then Michelle would most likely die. The truth was terrifying.

Kensi gave the door a small shove and it creaked open, squeaking with every inch of movement, the hinges rusty with age. As the door opened, the only thing the couple could see was darkness. Deeks felt around the wall for a light switch but didn't find one.

"3, 2, 1," Kensi breathed

On the one, both agent and detective flicked on their flash light and readied their guns, predicting the gun fire that never came. Lowering their guard, they scattered their lights around the room, illuminating partial spots of darkness but finding nothing, absolutely nothing. The room was just a room. No Michelle, no Tahir, no furniture, no nothing.

The disappointment was floating through the air, evident in both Kensi and Deeks' eyes. They looked at each other before leaving the room.

"Where would Tahir hide the one person he wants to die other than Sam? Where would we never think to look?" Kensi wondered. "Deeks, if you were a sociopath who wanted to deprive someone of air in the most sadistic way, where would you hide them?"

"In a random box in the middle of a random area." Deeks joked.

Kensi just looked him in the eye like he was mad. 

"Also, it'd be behind a secret doorway if I was that sociopathic." he breathed.

Kensi again looked at him but this time there was awe and realization in her eyes. "Deeks!" she squealed. "You're a genius."

Looking at her questioningly she replied but not before dragging him with her. "Listen, before when we were looking for Michelle, I pulled a rack of boxes aside and felt the wall. It seemed hollow on the other side but at the time I was still freaking out and just thought that there was some piping behind. But now you mentioned she could be in a hidden room I think I know where she is." 

The pair scurried through the building reaching the spot Kensi had been describing. Working together, they pulled the rack away knocking a bunch of boxes over but neither really cared much about that. Wordlessly, Kensi stepped backwards letting Deeks break through the thin wooden wall. It was as if time stopped briefly as they saw the fridge in the middle of the room. Suddenly time started again but so slowly it could've easily been mistaken for time to be frozen. Deeks ran like never before yanking open the door to the fridge and pulling Micheelle's body out.

Her lifeless form lay in his arms. The tears started almost immediately, pouring out from both of their eyes'. Deeks lay her on the floor and began giving her CPR straight away. 30 chest compressions, 2 breaths of life, repeat. This endless process went on for so long Kensi feared she would never wake up and was truly dead like Tahir wanted. Deeks, however was determined to save her no matter how long it took. And so 10 minutes later they still sat there on the hold hard floor giving Michelle CPR.

Kensi finally awoke from her trance and got up and called Sam. "We found her, Deeks is giving her CPR, come soon." she purposely left out the details of how long she had been receiving CPR for.

A small cough and an even smaller splutter made Kensi whisk her head around to see Michelle's chocolate eyes wide open in shock.

It was at that very moment Sam stormed in. 

He yelled Michelles's name almost simultaneously to her whispering his.

As the reunited couple shared an embrace, Kensi looked towards her boyfriend. He looked stressed out and downright exhausted. She moved over to him but stopped when she heard Sam say Deeks' name.

"Thank you mate. Thank you for saving my wife, again." The tears that threatened to fall earlier now fell from Sam's face but the were no longer tears of anguish but tears of overwhelming joy and happiness.

Time skip – 3 days

3 days later Michelle was released from hospital but before she left there was someoen she needed to speak to. 

She found Deeks with Kensi and Callen in the hospitals cafe. They saw her come over and gave her a small hug each. When it was Deeks' turn, Michelle didn't hesitate to give him a hug of thankfullness. She was now crying but didn't care

"Thank you Marty for saving my life and saving my family from grief"

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