chapter 23

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in going to have Black Hat speak some Spanish because Villainous was first made in mexico right?
At least so i'v been told
3rd person view

It was morning the couple was still asleep. Y/n still on Black Hat's stomach and Black Hat's hand in her hair. One of them slowly waking up moving only little movements... It was Black Hat he was trying to get up but y/n wouldn't move.He tried to pick her up but she held tighter to him.

Black Hat : Mi amor (my love) you need to let go I need to get up.

Y/n: five more minutes!

Black Hat: How bout you let me go and I'll come back mi queridoa (my dear)

Y/n: no.

Black Hat kissed her forehead and moved her off him. She still went to sleep still. Black Hat went off to the lab to ask Dr.Flug something and then left with an object of some sort. Black Hat came back and saw y/n still asleep and took up most of the space on the bed. He quietly laughed. He went to change into his regular outfit. And once again went back to y/n.

Black Hat: Buenos dias mi amor (good morning my love)

She groggily woke up and rubbed her eyes.

Y/n: I still wanted sleep.

Black Hat: It's like 11 in the morning.

Y/n:ughhhhh that's still early.

Black Hat: You still need to get up Dr.Flug still needs your assistance.

Y/n: fine at least let me shower.

Black Hat: Alright adios!

He left and Y/n got at of bed got some clothes and went to shower.

(time skip)

Y/n Finished showering and dried her hair with a towel the best she could then went to the lab. Dr.Flug appeared to be Working on something but as you came in he put whatever it was into a black box.

Dr.Flug: Hello y/n I needed your help with this device.

He motioned to a knife wielding tentacle.

Dr.Flug: Mr. Black Hat requested for this device so after making it and testing it I was going to turn it off but.

He grabbed a long stick and pointed it to the tentacle but the tentacle broke the stick. Y/n gulped.

Y/n: so how do you suppose we turn it off without any injuries.

Dr. Flug: well i placed a off switch at the bottom of it so we need to flip it over. Use this.

 Use this

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Dr.Flug: this arm does whatever you want. And I'll turn it off with a metal glove on. On 3. 1....2...3!

Y/n used the arm slowly going closer to the armed tentacle. The tentacle did hit the arm a few times but y/n finally got it and flipped the box over. Dr.Flug hurriedly tried to turn it off he got cut but then turned it off.

y/n: Are you okay? Do-do you need a band-aid?

Dr.Flug: A band-aid would be nice.

He showed the cut went through his paper bag. There was slight blood. Y/n looked under the table and saw some band aids. There were different design band-aids and alcohol wipes. She grabbed both and went to Dr. Flug. He was sitting on floor covering the wound under the bag. Y/n knelt to him.

y/n: c-can you r-remove your er bag?

Dr.Flug : oh um....

He slowly lifted the bag revealing...

Black Hat x Reader (Villainous)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now