
5.2K 66 22

So I'm grounded until Monday obviously my phone is taken away but I have my tablet but I won't be able to write because I'm doing tho secretly so you guys will have to live with no updates till Monday ik it will be tough but we must be strong lol. Okay this is also a completion thingy. The prize is the same as last time you request something and I'll write it or you can have me write 2 chapters for this book and anything you want can happened (no lemons) . How this works is you comment this phrase down below :5k
I will try to assign a number to you. You can only comment once there are some things I won't write but ill discuss that with then winner. This contest end sometime on Monday or maybe Tuesday okay go ahead and comment

Black Hat x Reader (Villainous)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now