chapter 16

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ThespianOtaku and ender10744 thanks for the rp they were really fun and helpful for ideas everyone give the!m a special thanks also the song i just something i thought would be nice

Y/n point of view

As he said those last words he gave a gentle smile. The music started to  fade. The music was still playing but very quietly. Black Hat rubbed the back of his neck very nervously. I'm shook he did all of this just for me. He seemed to loose his confidence gradually as I didn't reply to his courageous confession.

Y/n: B-but why?

Black Hat raised an eyebrow.

Black Hat: Whatever do you mean?

Y/n: Let me rephrase that why do you love me?

Black Hat smiled his eyes were calm.

Black Hat: I love you for many reasons my dear but In the very beginning it was love at first sight. Your h/c hair and e/c eyes captivated me...I'm assuming your curious to why a "Villain" such as I would be in love. Well heh you can't spell love without 3 letters from the word evil. I suppose you were expecting a hero instead...

He turned away as if I thought of him as revolting. But I spoke up to him.

Y/n: You really are a villain... Because you stole my heart.

With that said I hugged him he seemed suprised at first but then gave in. I felt secure with his arms around me as if nothing would happen like he would always protect me. He stepped back and looked at me.

Black hat: One last dance?

Y/n:Of course!

I said a little more enthusiastic them intended. He laughed. His laugh was so infectious because I began Laughing as well. Them he opened his mouth to say something...

Black Hat: Y/n?

Y/n: Yea?

Black hat: Will you...


Cliffhanger nyeheheehahahhahaha I won't update till I finish the next 3 chapters so ha! So evil.

Black Hat x Reader (Villainous)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now