Welcome back to mystic Falls

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Rosa's P.O.V
Them Salvatore brothers better let me say here if they don't I'm going to kick them up the ass so hard god I don't know why my mother was so into Stefan. He isn't even hot Damon yes Stefan no way in hell I get out of my car and walk into the boarding house I know they are here I can hear them "DAMON STEFAN GET DOWN HERE BEFORE I DRINK ALL OF YOUR ALCOHOL" I yell then I see god must be Elena. Just great the doppelgänger my mother wears her face better trust me on that "Who are you" Elena asked "None of your Business doppelgänger DAMON STEFAN I mean it this time" I say before I walk into the living room wow this place is way better then the place they had when they were human. I mean then see Damon and Stefan "About time why don't you go and get my stuff I'm staying here" I tell them with a smirk on my face.

"Your alive" Damon asked me while I was looking for alcohol "Yeah so it would seem" I say to him. "I saw you got shot" Stefan told me "Yeah your point is why don't you be happy I'm not dead get my bags out of my car then you two can help me find that mother of mine" I say to them when i find the Bourbon and I started to drink out of the bottle. "Why would we help you" Damon told me I looked at him and laughed "Because if you don't I will kill the doppelgänger I have had a long drive you are going to help me or I will also kill that drinking mate of yours what's his name" I start to say before I walk in fort of Damon. "Alaric right history high school teacher right" I said to him with a smirk on my face while he's smirk drops.

"You know her" that doppelgänger asked them while I checked my phone "Yeah maybe you should go home Elena I'll call you later" Stefan told her she walked away. "Good she's gone now can we go and find my mother" I say to them "Rosa are you sure you want to know where your mother is you can be free have a life" Damon said to me. I smile at Damon and I put my hand inside his chest grabbing his hart "Do you feel that Damon all I have to do is pull and your dead now if you don't help me you will be got it" I say to him before I take my hand out of his chest. Damon cashing his breath.

Stefan and Damon got my stuff out of my car thank god I didn't even have to do it. I'm waiting outside I'm sitting on my car I then see them walk out "About time I don't have that much stuff so where is my mother" I say to them "We will take you to her" Stefan told me "Let's go then I will follow behind you" I tell them getting in my sports car.

We pull up outside this house "Who the hell lives here" I ask Stefan and Damon getting out of the car. "Right now Katherine she can't get out we had a witch do a spell" Damon told me I just laughed "My mother has been a very long time she can get out" I told them before I walk away them and into the house.

I walk into the living room where I see mum feeding in someone then she drops him "Hi mum" I say to her she looks at me and smiled "What are you doing here Rosa the original familiar are here" my mum told me worried. "I'm not scared of them" i told her that was the truth I'm not scared of them. "I know your not i just don't want you to get hurt" she told me "I won't want go back to the Salvatore house I'm staying there well I didn't give them a choice" I told my mother she brought me into a hug then we walked out.

When we got to the boarding house we walk in Damon and Stefan look at us shocked "I could of left anytime I wanted" my mother told walking over to Stefan. I go to leave "Where you going there" Damon asked me "To the grill if you must know" I tell him before I walk out.

I walk into the grill what a stupid name the Mystic Grill couldn't they come up with something better. I walk over to the bar I see this guy with dirty blonde hair looking at me "What do you need to keep looking at me or are you just so sad that you don't have any friends" I say to to him with a smirk. "Love are you related to Elena Gilbert" he asked "I hate her only meet her once and yet still want to kill her she's not my sister or cousin if that's what your asking" I say to him.

Bartender walks over to me he's cute I look at the name Matt he's one of Elena's friends. "Can I have a Lemon lime and bitters" I say to him "Sure" he told me then he went to go and make it. "What's your name love" he asked he does say love a lot omg it's Klaus "Your Klaus and now I don't like you why don't you go and flirt with Caroline" I say to him. Matt gives me my drink "I just want to know who you are your in my town after all" Klaus told me I just laughed at him. "Keep telling yourself that my name is Rosa by the way" I tell him before I walk off and sit down at a table drinking my drink when that doppelgänger sits down next to me. "What do you want doppelgänger" I ask her "How do you know Stefan and Damon" she asked me God even when she talks I feel like stabbing myself so I don't have to listen to her.

"We are way back before you were even born I knew them when they were human I was with Katherine unlike you I like Katherine you I hate and want to kill" I tell her with a smirk on my face. She looks at me I grab a knife and stab in into her hand though the table I can tell she's in pain "Why don't you leave so I can enjoy my drink" I tell her before I take the knife out of her hand I see Klaus smirking at me.

I make it back to the boarding house I see my mother smirking at me then I see Damon and Stefan not happy "What were you thinking stabbing Elena with a knife in the hand" Stefan asked me "What she shouldn't of came and talked to me when I was trying to enjoy my drink" I say to him with a smirk on my face. "Now if you don't mind I'm going to bed night mum" I say to her "Night Rose Queen" she said to me before I walk away to go to my room.

Elijah Mikaelson's unknown daughter Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora