Chapter VI

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Jolting back to the present, Kyungsoo flashed Choi Minra a fierce look. Minra merely grinned, showing the whites of her teeth. Kyungsoo was utterly disgusted. He had not seen such shameless women before. 

The rest of EXO were confused. 

How did Kyungsoo know her? And what was her sole purpose of coming all the way to the hospital to bring back Yoora?

“What do you have to say?” Minra snarled, holding your wrist in an iron tight grip.

“I should be the one asking you. You betrayed the whole family, your own boyfriend and your best friend. You left Daejoon to die alone on the road, didn’t you? You cheated on him, broke his heart and then stepped on him.” you yelled back, your voice getting hoarse.

“I said, what is in the past, stays in the past. And you still have the nerves to bring it up. You should be speaking of yourself first. What did you do? You left home and joined a gang. Then you left one of your gang members to die didn’t you? And you claimed he was a betrayer.” Minra spitted.

“You want to know what actually happened? Himchan in fact really betrayed us. He was working on the enemy’s side all along. And I trusted him. Our gang was so successful. We did not beat anyone up, we were friends with the police, and we were nice to everyone. However, this gang Himchan was in wanted the reign over this town. We tried hard to protect everyone on this street. Himchan knew of our plans and he told it to his people. How gullible I was then. I believed in him, I put my trust in him, until the day I was brought onto my knees with a gun pointed at me.”

This memory of yours struck a deep chord within Jongin. He remembered his childhood. He was in a a gang back then, not the one you was in. His was ruthless, and everyone had a gun, or not a penknife, stowed somewhere in their back pack. And he faintly remembered a day where this gang leader was forced to her knees. 

He could still remember the look on her face, watching her own gang being beaten up, whilst she could do nothing but watch. Oh! How helpless he would have felt if he were in that same situation. 

But thinking again, he had a faint suspect that you were the leader. It was countless years ago, and the face was long forgotten, eroded through time. Oh, how he wanted to help, but he was hidden in the shadows, a mere minor role in the gang. He knew that if he had taken one foot out of the shadows, he would have been stabbed, or shot. 

“Don’t lie. You’re always lying. I don’t believe you at all. You killed Himchan didn’t you? You ordered him to kill Daejoon, and then finished him off with your own hands didn’t you? You strangled him to death and shot him before burying his body in the woods at the corner of street 13 didn’t you?” Minra lied. 

EXO were now growing suspicious, Sehun had even taken a step back behind. He now feared you, fearing that you may magically pull a gun out of your pocket and shoot him. 

And Minra just had to mess your friendship up with these boys even after meeting them for only a day. 


Behind the door, Lay and Mirae were pressing their ears to the door, undoubtedly curious and spying on them. 

“What lies are these? Don’t spread rumors if you don’t know what actually happened.” You spoke, your voice harsh and unnerving. 


Suho had to place and hand on your forearm to calm you down. You were practically shaking with hidden rage. 

You felt the tears pool at the corner of your eyes and you felt betrayed and wronged by your own sister. Don’t cry...don’t cry... you chanted this phrase over and over again repeatedly in your head. Your mental willingness to not cry was so strong you magically managed to suck your tears up. Yeah sounds cheesy to cry, especially when you’re a grown woman, but, hey? Who could hold their tears in this kind of situation, not everyone eh?

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