Day 24 in the Big Brother House and the Housemates are Blindfolded

Start from the beginning

"Possibly, if the bedrooms free obviously."

"Obviously." They all returned and Louis grinned before squeezing Harrys hand on his thigh as the alarm went off in the bedroom.

"Hungry?" He asked Harry loudly over the noise. Harry nodded and they both got up from the sofa together and made their way into the kitchen to get some cereal. More of the housemates walked out of the bedroom and they all watched James walk out yawning with his eyes closed and he continued over to the door, his eyes still closed but they opened when he walked into the locked door.

"Who locked us in?" He asked sleepily.

"Satan." Louis said leaning on the kitchen counter as he ate his cereal grinning at James who rubbed at his shoulder which had hit the door.

They finished their cereal, washed their bowls and then moved back to the sofas, Harry dropping onto Louis' lap this time.

They stayed listening to Niall talking about the time he ordered both a pizza and an Indian to be delivered to McDonalds until the house interrupted him as he was describing how he'd accidentally dropped ketchup into his curry.

"Can the housemates come to the sofas." The house spoke and one by one the housemates walked over to the sofas and sat down waiting to be told their next challenge.

"We'd better be allowed outside," Niall muttered. "I'll freak out if we're locked up again."

"Housemates," spoke the house. "Your challenge today will take place outside on the obstacle course."

As the house spoke the blinds began to rise and everyone watched as it revealed the garden and one by one everyones mouths dropped open.

The usual wall stood in the garden was gone and instead it seemed there was anther couple of acres of grass behind it. Set up there was a whole obstacle course, some were inflatable and some weren't. It looked incredible and Louis found himself grinning with the rest of the housemates.

"There will be two rounds." The house continued and everyones focus came back to what it was saying. "In the first one, everyone will compete to win a prize at the end."

"What sort of prize?" Jesy asked but of course the house didn't answer her.

"In the second round, you will be in pairs of your own choice and will have to navigate your partner around the obstacle course while they are blindfolded. The winners will share a prize."

"Oh no." Harry muttered and Louis grinned, hid his face into Harrys shoulder and squeezed him around his middle.

"The winner of the previous round will not take part in the blindfolded challenge."

"You'd better win then, Harold." Louis muttered and Harry hummed.

"What if I want to be your partner though?"

"Got no confidence in me winning?" Louis asked and Harry smirked and shrugged.

"Some of those look pretty tall." Harry said and giggled as Louis pinched at his hip.

"Please make your way to the starting line, the challenge begins when the whistle blows." The house said finally and everyone stood up from the sofa.

"Be prepared to be amazed, Harold." Louis said and Harry simply grinned at him as they followed the crowd out into the garden. The new space was enormous and Louis suddenly felt a little weird. He was so used to living in the tight conditions that having so much open space was rather peculiar.

"It's too big," He muttered.

"That's what she said!" James called out thumping him on the back as he ran past to the starting line. There were sniggers from some of the housemates and Louis rolled his eyes with a grin.

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